Chapter 43

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Niall's POV

Zayn's alarm clock woke me up for him to get up and run, but it wasn't a bad thing. My body was tired of laying down and I wasn't even able to sleep anymore. Zayn got out of bed slowly and shuffled to the bathroom. I just laid there for a minute listening to him wash his face and brush his teeth before he came back out to the room.

"Can you help me sit up?" I mumbled to Zayn. He was at my side in no time helping me up. I huffed when that didn't even help how horrible my back was feeling. I was also exhausted because this baby was even more active than the boys. I knew that Ezra liked punching and kicking a lot and he ended up with that boxer gene in him. I have no clue what this baby wass going to be capable of doing once it was here. With how active it was was the only real reason I thought it was going to be a boy.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked me. I shook my head and rubbed my face with my hands until I pressed my hands to my belly to try getting this baby to move from the position it decided it wanted to stay. Maybe it was comfortable, but I sure as hell wasn't. That only got me a strong kick to my bladder. I groaned and pulled at Zayn so I could get up. He helped me waddle my way to the bathroom. Zayn had to help me, but we've littereally crossed every line of personal space possible. For him, after fights he can't always use his hands so I ended up doing many things for him that should be private. For me, he had to help me out just after I had given birth to Ethan. He was about three months old and Zayn had an awards show we both wanted to go to out of town, but that ment spending the night away from our new baby. I was breastfeeding and it was all very uncomfortable so I had to get a pump to help me out. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my milk flowing so Zayn had to help me by sucking on me. There's honestly nothing we haven't done and won't do for each other.

"I'm done being pregnant." I said to Zayn after we both got our hands washed. He smiled at me, but I just broke down in tears. It was five in the morning and I was already crying. This day was going to be wonderful.

"You're almost there. Do you want me to get in the bath with you? I know that helps you, babe. I don't need to go for a run today." Zayn offered. I nodded to take him up on his offer and watched him start getting the bath ready. He got his big t-shirt off me and helped me into the warm water filling the tub. I had given up on underwear by now. He got in with me and we both just sat there quietly.

"Eli or Eden." He mumbled into my shoulder. His hands were rubbing softly into my belly, seemingly calming the baby from kicking me or even moving. I loved those names because they were unique, but not weird unique. We had gotten a lot of press about what we named Ezra because people thought it was a weird name. I didn't care because I look at my son and see how unique he looks so he deserves not to be named Tim or something. With Ethan, everyone liked that, until we get to his middle name. It's Zayn's same middle name just link Ezra has my middle name. It's just something we wanted to give our sons. Overall, I don't care about what people think I should name my kids.

"I love those names. Do you think you have time to train another boxer? I think we have another one." I said with a sleepy chuckle. He nodded and pulled my even closer to him. I rest my head back and let my eyes close. The hot water really helped me relax from how I woke up. Zayn would just kiss my temple or my shoulders while his hands rubbed my belly in a soothing way.

I'm not sure how long we stayed there, but I knew it was time to get out when I heard the boys started calling for us. Zayn helped me out of the cold water and dried off. He pressed a kiss on my belly and wrapped me tightly in a towel. My hair was a mess and I didn't feel like doing a single thing with it so I just push it back and hopped that would look okay for today. This pregnancy was starting to make me slowly give up on doing anything. I was just tired of being a human hotel. I think check out should be sooner than later.

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now