Chapter Nineteen

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It has been two months since I found out about my "special" powers, and things for me were only getting weirder. Draco seemed like he was terrified to come around me, and would turn the other way when I was around, especially in potions where we were partners. It wasn't as if I wanted him to talk to me or anything, I was still angry about the things he said about me to his friends, but I didn't want him to think I threw him across the room on purpose. The Slytherins were even being weird around me, and it was like the parting of the red sea when I walked down a corridor, with the exception of my brother of course.

Students in other houses were acting just as weird, and I found people were either frightened to be around me, or they thought I was some sort of freak. I was just ready to get this school year over with, and stay home with my family where I knew I would be ok. But there was still the one small issue of the final task that was happening today, and something inside of me was telling me this would not have a happy ending. Harry and I were tied for first place, and it wasn't as if either of us were playing to win, we both just wanted to walk away unscathed. 

My powers seemed to have been manifesting or something, because whenever my emotions got out of control the things around me seemed to be affected. Fred and George made me laugh really hard one day at lunch, and that caused the windows in the great hall to shatter. Draco had spilled some potion into my lap by accident in class which angered me and all of the vials in the classroom had broken. If i wasn't paying attention a lot of the time, objects would start flying at my head, like I was summoning them without knowing. 

Although it did come in handy sometimes when i needed something and didn't have my wand, I just looked across the room and my quill or my jacket would come flying into my hands. Hermione had been trying to help me control them the best she could, but with so much going on right now it wasn't exactly the top thing on my mind these days. I hadn't dared to control any other people since the day i controlled Moody, it seemed completely wrong and i promised myself I would never do it unless it was necessary. My friends and family were completely supportive of my newly found powers, and somehow I felt like it brought me and Harry closer together. 

I had just finished tying my hair halfway up, when Harry had walked up beside me. We were all in the tent on the quiditch pitch just like the first task. My hands were shaking and I have never felt nerves like this in my life.I was completely terrified of this task, and i didn't have a clue what it was unlike the other two. "I'm scared Harry" I whispered turning to look at my raven haired friend. Harry looked at my through his round glasses and through his green eyes I could see fear as well. "Me too" He told me. Looking at Harry i couldn't control myself anymore, and through my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck. I felt Harry stiffen before I felt his arms go around my waist and hug me tightly.

"It's time" I heard someone say from the tent's entrance. I let go of Harry to see Dumbledore along with Moody standing by the opening to the field. I grabbed Harry's hand in mine before following behind Fleur and Krum out onto the field, Cedric followed behind us. The second we walked out onto the field I could hear the cheers of the students along with a band that was playing some upbeat song. Harry's hand was becoming slick with sweat, but I held on tightly as it was making me feel better. Dumbledore was making some announcements to the crowd but I couldn't hear what he was saying as I was busy looking up at the gigantic hedge maze that was sitting in front of me. 

It was probably fifteen feet tall, deep green with vines growing randomly along the top. There were five entrances along the semi circle, each with the crests or colors of our school. Three Hogwarts crests, two red and one yellow. One blood red crest of Durmstrang and one baby blue crest from Beauxbatons.I heard the crowds cheers die down as Harry and i were asked to walk up to our places in front of the two red crests. I let go of his hand at the last second before holding my hand steady and walking through the opening to the over grown maze. I turned back to see the students in the stands, Dumbledore and professor Moody, but then they all disappeared as the maze overgrew itself and i was closed in. 

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