Friends reunited

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Arthur’s note: I apologize for this chapter’s lack of action, but it was necessary to set up future events. I’ll dedicate this one to TiffanyTews for commenting on my last chapter.

For once I was right. Good things were happening. Unfortunately, the bad almost outweighed the good. The bad news: Umbridge, the toad-woman who’d been a judge at my trial, was going to be the new Ministry-appointed defense against the dark arts teacher. Gag. Good news: In retaliation for her presence, Dumbledore felt the need to increase the school’s defense. Moony and Padfoot were going to be teachers at Hogwarts!! Whoop, whoop, dance for joy!

Remus would be teaching history of magic and Sirius would be teaching care of magical creatures (Hagrid would be assisting him. The half-giant was sad to temporarily lose his job but understood the necessity of it).

So I was going to get to go to Hogwarts! Excitement! I was on the phone within milliseconds of the conversation, telling Kayla and Damon every detail.


It’s not that Damon’s parents didn’t love him—he was sure that they cared about him—but he wasn’t used to them wanting to socialize with him. Their idea of showing affection involved credit cards and shiny objects. So when both of his parents sat him down in the living room for a talk, he knew something was wrong.

On the surface, Damon’s family had everything. A huge house, servants, stuff. They were purebloods, and Damon attended a private pure-blood only school (not by choice of course).The last time they’d had a family talk was when his parents saw Rika on the news and demanded to know why he’d been hanging out with an illegal creature. That’d been a fun conversation.

“Damon sweetie,” his mother started, clicking her perfectly manicured nails against the table nervously, “we have some news, you’re not going to like…”

“You see son,” his father took over, “it’s not that we hate muggle-borns or anything…But there is a war out there. Neutrality at this point is impossible, we have to take a side.”

Oh Merlin, no. This couldn’t be going in the direction his sinking stomach told him it was.

“We have to do what’s best for this family. And we think our best option may be to join the other purebloods.”

“Please tell me you did not just say that dad.”

His mum sighed. “Look sweetie, the purebloods are going to win. They have the money, the power, the political connections—we can’t risk going against them. We’re not going to become death eaters or anything! Just…when it comes down to it, we’re picking the winning side.”

Damon shook his head. “No. I’m not siding with those sickos.”

“Just think about this carefully son—“

He glared at his dad. “There’s nothing to think about. The lines between right and wrong might sometimes blur, but some things never change. Mass genocide is one of those things.” He stood and left the room. His parents let him go. They didn’t say anything, but his choices were limited to two options: side with his parents or run. His parents would join you-know-who. Death eaters would swarm the house. To stay while under the Light’s allegiance would be suicide. Besides, he was also worried over Rika.He didn’t like the idea of her living in the same vicinity as the Toad-woman. He called Kayla, and the two began to plan.


Dumbledore looked over the two letters in his hand curiously. One was from a Mr. Damon La’mar and the other from a Miss. Kayla Bates. They were almost polar opposites of each other.

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