Another moon down, Harry's trial and more instinctual heroism

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Author’s note: This story is dedicated to poppy47334 for agreeing with me that Rika is a beast. ;)

<3 the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few weeks had passed and it was once again time for a full moon. This would be my fourth one with Moony and Padfoot, but my first one at Grimmie-house. As usual, I was super-hyped. I crawled out my balcony and down to the ground, listening to my IPod and running laps for a good two hours before the sun came up.I spent a few more hours dancing until I smelled breakfast being cooked.

I crawled back up my trellis and back onto the balcony (using the front door was soooo overrated ;) ) and went downstairs. Meat!! I smelled meat!!

I charged towards the kitchen, jumping over the couch in my haste, and loaded a plate up with nothing but meat. Sausage, bacon, ham, yum. I glanced up to see the tribe of redheads staring at me, especially poor Ginny who was sitting on the couch I’d vaulted over.

Okay, must restrain self. Must eat food calmly and like a person. Much. …Much. …Munch…. Mun—DEVOURE!!!!!!

….. ….. .. . …Well that plan failed.

“Are you alright?” Tonks asked, eyeing the way I kept fidgeting.

I nodded. “Yup. Fine just fine. Totally completely and utterly and absolutely, positively, incredibly fine. Couldn’t be any finer. Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.”

Her mouth dropped open in a small ‘o’ shape.

“Are you high?” Fred asked suspiciously.

“Because your eyes are abnormally gold today.”—George

“Even for you.”—Fred

“And your pupils are dilated.”—George

“And you just ate more meat than a herd of Hippogriffs.”—Fred

“No, no highness, well kinda, but not druggie high, nope, no drugs, just, you know, full moon. Tonight. As in today. Later. When it’s dark.”

“I thought full moons made werewolves tired.” Harry said, obviously thinking of Remus.

I nodded. “Yup, sure does. Normal ones. Not me. Cause you know, I’m a beast and what not.” I filled a plate full of food. “Mentally alluding to Remus, I’m gonna go get him food. Poor Moony. Needs food. And love. And—“ I spun around to Mrs. Weasley. “CHOCOLATE!! Remus needs chocolate!! Do you! Have! Chocolate!! Now!”

Slowly, she nodded, summoning a chocolate bar. I grabbed it and ran upstairs with the food. Approaching Remus’s room and using more restraint then I thought possible for myself, I opened his door in a quiet, slow manner.

Remus was spread haphazardly across the bed, tawny head barely visible under the covers. Next to him, curled up in dog form, was Padfoot. He cracked an eye open, tail wagging at me. I went to the bathroom, grabbing a towel, laying it in front of Padfoot, and spreading some food on it. He happily chowed down. I set the rest on Remus’s bedside table, along with the bar of chocolate. Grabbing his wand, I cast a simple heating charm to keep the food warm (Having magical people as my best friends and living with magical people for the past few months had taught me some easy spells).

I wanted to stay with Remus, but my self-restraint couldn’t hold out much longer, and he needed rest. I knew he’d understand. Giving Padfoot a quick ear-scratch, I shut the door as quietly as I could and zoomed back downstairs.


It was amazing, Harry pondered absent-mindedly, how exhausted you could get just from watching someone else be active. Rika had never looked less human than she did now simply because no human on Earth could have that much energy. Even the twins were slumped on the floor, too exhausted from trying to keep up with Rika to even make it to the couch before they collapsed.

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