How It All Ends

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This is not a chapter in the traditional sense. It is a summary of what would have happened if I had continued this story. Someone asked for one, and I thought all of you guys deserved to see it (plus, once I started writing, it was a bit hard to stop, I'll admit. I couldn't resist that wonderful Moony-Sirius dialogue). Beast was the first major story I ever wrote (and it definitely shows in some parts), and you guys gave me so much encouragement and support. I can't say how much it meant to me. Even now, seeing new comments still makes my day and gives me the confidence to further pursue my personal writing. I'm sorry I couldn't give this story the attention it—and you all—deserved, but I hope knowing how it was meant to end helps ease your frustration with it being discontinued.

If you have any final thoughts or questions about this series, I'd love to hear them! Please comment or message me at any time.

Have a nice day,



So, as it stands now, the story ends at year 5. The summer starts calmly. Rika chills with her family, while her friends Kayla and Damon go abroad to meet Kayla's estranged family (her absent dad's parents and other relatives). This family turns out to be an old, pureblood family and, while snooping through their libraries, Damon finds a book about lycanthropy that claims there were once werewolves who could transform at will and goes into detail about the history and magic behind lycanthropy. Damon steals this book to give to Rika.

Meanwhile, Rika turns 17. Things grow tense between her, Sirius, and Remus, since she is now a legal adult and is pushing them to let her join the Order. They, of course, are completely against it. There's a lot of intense staring and passive-aggressive bacon hogging. Some chocolate may have been harmed in the process. Harry is torn between supporting Rika and being exasperated by the whole ordeal.

Damon gives Rika the book, and she realizes that she may be able to gain control of her werewolfism instead of trying to ignore or suppress it. She feels that she needs to gain control to ensure that she never hurts anyone (uncontrolled abilities always pose a danger), and so that she can reach her full potential, magically. She wants to immediately begin practicing but is unsure whether or not to tell her guardians. (After all, they're being completely ridiculous about the whole "risking her life" by joining the Order thing.) She agonizes over the decision but eventually decides to explain the situation to them. Her decision to confide in them is meant to show how her relationship to them has evolved; in the past, she would have hidden the truth from them because it would be easier, like she did concerning her detentions with Umbridge.

Of course, both are adamantly against it because "For the love of Godrick's hairy testicles Rika, you can't just go experimenting with unheard of magic just because a random book your friend stole--from the library of people you barely know, might I add, how do you not they're not bloody loony?--says it's a good idea!"--Sirius. And "Do you have any idea how dangerous this could be?! You could get yourself killed! And this book doesn't even have any references! Where are its sources? How do you know anything it says is credible?" --Remus "You don't!!! Books lie all the time!!!" --Sirius.

As the debate *cough* fight *cough* goes on, Remus becomes progressively angrier, till even Sirius is like "whoa, mate, chill your man-tits." It becomes clear that Remus is letting his own fears and anger against being a werewolf cloud his judgement on the issue. Rika tries to not to let it get to her—especially since she's grown so secure in her relationship with Remus—but his obvious disgust towards lycanthropy picks at old scars.

Before the situation can completely fall apart, Harry intervenes, and tells them that they're not going to accomplish anything if they keep on this way. They put the discussion on hold, and Rika goes to Grimmuald to get some space. There, she runs into Dumbledore, and she asks him to take her to Hogwarts so she can talk to Rune about some of the things she's read in the book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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