Feelings begin, Rune, bribing Snape

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Author’s note: Question: Should I change my story tag from ‘werewolf’ to ‘humor?’ Almost all the werewolf fanfics are about Twilight, so I think my story doesn’t really fit the label…

It wasn’t long before I took Aubrey up on his study session offer. The guy knew a lot of cool spells, and he had no qualms about handing me his wand so I could learn new ones.

After an hour or so, we both plopped down on the floor of my room, exhausted.

“Hey, I’ve got something for you,” Aubrey said reaching for his book bag.

I sat up, watching, as he pulled out a rather old looking book and handed it to me. Basics of Occlumency and Legilimency. I knew a little about both subjects. Basically they involved using magic to shield the mind, control one’s emotions, and read the minds of others. “You think I should be a psychic werewolf?”

He snorted. “Hardly. But you don’t need a wand to learn either of these.”

My ears perked up. “Really?” I took the book from him, flipping through it.

He nodded. “And better yet, there’s no law that forbids you from learning it. It’s probably something no one ever thought about making a law over.”

I grinned evilly. I could have fun with this.

There was a knock on my door. “Come in!”

Sirius poked his head in, big smile at his face. Said smile froze and twisted into a look of horror. “….MOOOOONEEEYYY!!!!! RIKA HAS A BOY IN HER ROOM!!!!”

Remus came running, throwing the door open, eyes murderous, and stopped. “….. ….Um Pads..It looks like they’re just studying.”


I leaned over and poked Aubrey’s shoulder. “Touch.”

Sirius ran forward and grabbed me, holding me in the air. “MOONY, SHE’S TOUCHING HIM!!!”

Aubrey raised an eyebrow, giving me a ‘is he serious’ look. I mouthed back ‘Sirius is always serious,’ and he chuckled.

Sirius glared at him. “You better watch it punk! I will—“

“Sirius,” Remus quickly cut in, “you can’t threaten the students.”

He slowly put me down. “Bu-but—“

“No buts.” He turned to me. “Next time you have a guy in your room, could you keep your door open Rika? It might make Siri feel a bit better.” And himself, he mentally added.

I nodded. “No problem. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Padfoot from getting fired for bodily harming an innocent student.”

Sirius grumbled. Remus nodded, smiling. “It’s about dinner. You guys ready to head to the Great Hall?”

I looked back at Aubrey who nodded, and I nodded too. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him off the floor and took off sprinting towards the great hall.


Aubrey found himself thinking a lot about Rika.

He remembered the day they met. Soft warmth against him suddenly moved, stirring him. His eyes had opened to a pretty face, with golden eyes. He hadn’t believed she was real at first. With those eyes, she looked like something from a dream. But as his fingers ran across her cheek, he felt the proof of her existence.

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