Memories and Fights

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A/N: First off, I would like to apologize for being an all-around horrible person. I intended to write one huge-butt final chapter, but life got in the way. It got in the way hard. So, I said screw it. I don’t know how many chapters are left. It’ll happen as it happens. If anyone is still reading this, you are amazing and deserve all the internet cookies.

Adoption status: This story is not officially being put up for adoption, however, if you would like to write a fanfic of my fanfic (same universe, missing moments, whatever), feel free to do so. All I ask is that 1. You don’t plagiarize my fic (this includes not mentioning that it is based off of my work, copying huge amounts of text and/or plot, etc) and 2. Please shoot me a pm telling me that you’re doing this.

Questions? Pm me. I love reviews, but sometimes I don’t notice questions right away, so they may not be answered.

And, finally, Thank you all so much for your support, you amazing people!!!      

To say that the kids were interested in Sirius was an understatement. The dining room at dinner time was crawling with them—no less than fifty—and they all had questions for him. He was delighted to see the Harry of this world was so confident in himself (though talking with him brought a pang of worry for his own Harry).  He was also pleasantly surprised to find Damon among one of the refugees. The boy himself was surprised to learn that his other-dimensional-counterpart was friends with Harry and the Weasleys. The twins instantly latched on to this tidbit of information and each wrapped an arm around Damon, apologizing for not working on corrupting him sooner.

 On a more depressing note, he was ninety percent sure that Kayla was…well, dead. The smaller  wizarding schools had been hit hard by the war; there were no documented survivors.

He learned more about the structure of the Order. Only official Order members—all of legal age—went on missions. The rest were in training for the final battle. He was unsurprised to learn that Harry was helping to teach his peers; no one was surprised to hear about his Harry’s involvement in the DA.

 “He’s always been a rebel,” Padfoot recalled fondly. “Always stealing biscuits and refusing to take naps. Only, he was sneaky about it. It was always ‘yes uncwle Paddy, I take nap now, I  a good boy,’ then ten minutes later you go to check on him, and the kid’s escaped out the window on a child’s broomstick.”

 Harry had the grace to at least look slightly abashed, while Sirius laughed loudly.

 “That’s nothing, you should have seen the time--.” Sirius cut himself off abruptly. Rika. He’d been about to mention Rika. He glanced around the table at all the eager faces looking up at him. “…the time…Harry blew up his aunt! Big woman, you could hardly tell the difference, she was already so sausage-like….”


Sirius stood outside the room that was once a library, now Dumbledore’s unofficially-declared office. James’s words had been haunting him, constantly nagging at the back of his mind.

 “Either you are prepared to take down the wolf-girl, or you pretend she never existed.”

 Sirius wanted to help, he truly did. The more he interacted with these people, the more he wanted to help. And James, Harry, Remus, whether they were really his pack or not, how could he not help them? True Marauders were always there for one another; if death wasn’t enough to stop this promise, neither was the space-time, other-dimensional-continuum, or whatever the bloody hell Remus liked to prattle on about.

But Rika… Any Rika… Didn’t his promise extend to her as well? He needed more information. So, he knocked on the door.


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