My apologies

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So, here’s the deal. I have lost all passion for this story, and it is not going to come back no matter how hard I try. Instead of struggling on through another 20-30 chapters, I am going to complete the next chapter, end 5th year, then slap an epilogue on it. It’s not the best solution, but at least it won’t go unfinished. So, here’s what I need from you guys. If there is anything you would like to see, or any questions you have, send them in a review, so I will know what all to include in the epilogue (I’m thinking of making it a series of flashbacks). There will probably be some lose ends just because I don’t think I can cover everything in one chapter, especially since I did a lot of foreshadowing and had a lot of interconnecting mini plots. Thank you all so much for sticking with this story; Sorry for any disappointment I have caused.

                                                                                                                                              With love,


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