Episode 5 - Interest in Mayumi

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No one's POV

Mayumi went to search for the place. As soon as she reached the place, she looked at the adress given by her father.

"This seems like the right place...," She double checked and went to ring the bell.

The door of the house opened and an old lady greeted her.

"Ah..you must be Mayumi," She smiled.

"Ye," She said.

"Come in," She led her into the house.

Both of them walked into the hoise and was amazed by the simple yet a nice and comfy house. The old lady gave offered her a cup of tea.

"How do you know my father?" She asked the old lady.

"I met your father when he was trying to help me carry the the cardboards to the trolley for sale. He would always gave me some money for meals help me eventhough I know he had financial difficulties. So when I heard that he was trying to find a place to stay for his daughter, I went to help him. It's the least I could do," The old lady sipped the tea.

"Do you live here alone?" She asked again.

"..Ye..My husband had passed away a year ago. I have children but they did not want to live with me. I guess they find me burden to live with them," She hesitated.

Mayumi saw her sad expression.

"Halmeonim," She touched the old lady's hand to comfort her.

The old lady wiped her tears and looked at her with a small smile.

"Ja, let me show you your room," She stood up and led the way to the room.

Mayumi followed her and while walking towards the room, she saw another room filled with posters and a piano and a bed.

"Mayumi shii, this is your room," She opened the door and Mayumi looked amazed by the spacious room.

"Halmeonim, the room..looks spacious..and pretty," Mayumi looked around.

"This room used to be my daughter's. It's been 20 years since she left. Sorry that the room is a bit dusty. I'll clean the room so that you can sleep confortably," The old lady told her.

"No, it's okay. I can manage. Besides, you need to rest. Sorry to barge in in the middle of the night," She bowed apologetically.

"Ani, it'd great to have people staying here with me," The old lady smiled.

The old lady told her to make herslef comfortable and treat it as her own home. Before she went to sleep, she sorted her things and went to the washroom to wash her face. After washing, she went to her room and past by the vacant room. She got curious and decided to go into the room. The room was complete with a toilet and a study table. There were photos of a young boy and the old lady. She looked at one of the photos and thought that they cute. After that, she went to her room to get a goodnight's sleep.

The next morning, you got ready for school. The old lady had prepared a simple breakfast for them to eat. After eating, she went off to school. As she was walking to school, she passed by her house and looked at the house. Just then, she saw L.Joe stood a few metres in front of her house. He seemed to be waiting for someone. She started to walk again when someone called.

She saw L.Joe running towards her as soon as he saw the familiar cap and jacket and smiled. Mayumi quickly adjusted her cap, not to let their eyes met.

"Hai," L.Joe said to her.

Mayuni gave a slight nod and walked off. L.Joe caught up with her and walked beside her which made her uncomfortable. He kept asking questions to know her better but she did not seem to care and did not answer to some of the questions.

As soon as they reached the school, she stopped which made him stopped. She saw a crowd of girls waiting at the front of the school hallway.

"Why are you stopping?" L.Joe asked.

"I need to head to cafeteria first," Mayumi said.

"Okay. Let's go," He said without knowing the situation.

"Can you stop following me? Can't you see your fans are waiting for you?" She showed him the crowd.

L.Joe looked at that direction and was about to say something and turned to her when he found out that she's not there.

"She's one quick girl..My kind of style," He smiled to himself.


As Mayumi was walking to the cafeteria, she bumped into Changjo.

"You okay?" Changjo helped her get up.

"Yeah, thanks," Mayumi said and started to walk off.

"Umm, hey," He stopped her by holding by her arm.

"Wae?" She looked at him.

"You...look pretty today," Changjo complimented with a smile.

Mayumi turned bright red as soon she heard his compliment. Meanwhile L.Joe was walking towards the cafeteria when he saw Changjo with Mayumi. He saw her smile for the first time. Changjo let go of her arm and she walked off. Changjo turned around when he saw L.Joe stood there.

"Oh hyung. What are you doing here?" Changjo asked.

"...Oh..Just..you know..want to go to the cafeteria to buy some light snacks but I think I'll pass," L.Joe said to him.

"Okay. Hyung, want to head class together?" Changjo asked him.

L.Joe just gave a slight nod and they walked off together while thinking the relationship between Mayumi & Changjo.

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