Done Deal T-Swizzle

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Chapter Thirteen
-Done Deal, T-Swizzle-

I had been Taylor's girlfriend for four days.

Taylor had been my responsibility for four days.

I had been keeping Taylor away from my pants for four days.

I had been keeping everyone else away from Taylor's pants for four days.

Taylor had of course won the shoot out and hadn't cashed in or told me what he wanted.

Any one of those situations was exhausting-slash-terrifying in their own right. Put them all together and I needed a good stiff drink. I downed my jaeger bomb and slammed the glasses on the bar and turned to Kathy. I wiped the overflow on my arm and started giggling like a child. I was drunk.

It was my turn to finish classes early for the day, therefore it was my turn to get day drunk. And by 'drunk', I mean annihilated. I idly twirled in a circle as I waited for the others to catch up to me and was steered onto a seat by foreign hands. I grabbed my phone from the table and there was a message waiting for me.

'Ten minutes away, get me a beer.'

It was from Taylor. I looked around the table and laughed to myself.

'Drunkest at this mo'fo'. Get your own dang beer.'

'At least save me a dance, then.'

'Done deal, T-swizzle.'

I snorted at my own hilarious genius just in time for Toni to get my attention. The group was the usual suspects. Our missed-matched little school family who regularly got together to see who could shame themselves the worst. Toni and I wound up on the dance floor. It was early, so there was really only Toni and I on the dance floor. I don't even think it was officially the dance floor yet. We were definitely jumping the dance floor gun. Pfft, like I drunk care. We twirled and shimmied and danced against each other. Toni was my drunken BFF seeing as Kathy had already found her footballer, so the bitch had stranded me. It was all good though, until a familiar song came over the buildings audio.

'It feels like one of those nights. This place is too crowded, too many cool kids, uh-oh uh-oh."

I stopped dancing and stared at Toni shocked.

"What?" She laughed.

"Swizzle!" I gasped and then literally fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. Strong, familiar hands came under my arms and hoisted me up against them and back on my feet.

"Now, buttercup," Taylor cooed in my ear. "Don't be doing anything you regret," He warned as I took one look at him and busted up laughing again.

"T-Swift!" I exclaimed with a grin, wrapping my arms around his neck and his face fell into an almost scowl as I pressed my drunken lips to his. Just when I sucked his top lip and lashed at it with my tongue he pulled back and gave me stern look.

"You're wrecked," He told me as his hands rested on my hips to steady me and I shrugged.

"Pay back, mother fuckeeer," I replied in a high pitched voice. He huffed in amusement to himself and shook his head, dragging me back to the table. I snatched up the remains of my drink and Taylor quickly intercepted the glass before it made it to my mouth. I frowned at him as he frowned back at me.

"Have you eaten today?" He asked, looking concerned and I shrugged.

"Had some coffee," I replied, with a grin.

"You're coming to have dinner with me and then, you're allowed to drink," He told me and I whined, loudly. Also, childishly.

"But I'm drunk already. All eating will do is waste my effort thus far," I frowned at him and all he did was laugh. Jerk.

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