His Pants To My Ovaries

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Chapter Nine
-His Pants To My Ovaries-

Now would be the best time to personally admit... I liked it when Taylor kissed me. I wouldn't be telling him soon, but I was lying to myself every time I made myself glare at him after he kissed me. I didn't get warm, gushy feelings that made me want to run to someone squealing with delight after, but there was a certain... feeling I did get. It was more physical, than emotional, but none the less. Although - once again, Taylor was never finding that out. That would be fake relationship suicide that would probably lead straight to his bed for the remainder of the two weeks and God only knows what, beyond that. As it was, I wasn't encouraging him to get up close and personal, but I wasn't exactly pushing him away when he did it either.

Being a Wednesday, I knew Taylor finished classes' way early today. I also knew it was his favourite day to get day-drunk starting with a lunch session at The Hub and just letting the day go where it may take him from there. Kathy stood next to me, applying lip gloss as I put the final touches on my makeup in the way of mascara. I finished classes as per normal, so I had no idea what I was going to find my fake boyfriend up too, having last heard from him at midday before he was too far gone.

"So," Kathy murmured from behind the lip gloss wand. "Your faux-lationship has made the gossip rounds around campus and you are the public enemy number one," She informed me. I glanced at her for confirmation and then groaned.

"Seriously?" I asked and she nodded.

"Girls rely on Taylor for his stamina and non-commitment, you just shanghaied girls all over campus' back up plan right from underneath them," Kathy laughed and I glared at myself in the mirror.

"And what if Taylor was genuinely in love and wanted to be in a relationship with me and to stop sleeping around?" I asked and she shrugged when I looked at her.

"They'd still be sharpening their claws," she replied. "Also, the whole backdating, super speed relationship thing is causing the girls to think he may like cheating on you, so it's sort of coming back to bite you on the arse. They think he's still fair game, they just need to be more discreet about it." I stared at her for a moment before she shrugged at me. "Sorry, just warning you what you're in for."

"These girls have zero scruples," I told her and she shrugged again. "How am I meant to keep Taylor away from the girls, when the girls won't stay away from Taylor?" I asked. Kathy's reply was to look at me like I already knew the answer. I shook my head back at her. "I'm not sleeping with him," I told her and she smirked.

"It's fuuun," she sung out. "Promise, I wouldn't lie to you about something like this. He's talented, like actually gets where the good parts are, if you know what I mean," She grinned and I glared at her.

"Not happening," I told her seriously.

"Oh, get off your virginal high horse," Kathy groaned. "It's two weeks of some fun. Taylor gets a good grade for not completely annihilating the only relationship he'll probably ever have before he's thirty and you get satisfaction guaranteed or your money back." I continued to glare at her as she proceeded in her little speech. "I'm failing to see where the problem is, jump on the horse for a fortnight, change of scenery and all that. Jake will leave you alone, Taylor won't demolish the university by humping inanimate objects through pure sexual frustration and I won't have to hear you whine about how hussies are corrupting Taylor by giving him what you won't." I wasn't sure whether I should be kind of offended by what she said. But it was Kathy and if anyone was going to tell it to me straight, it was her.

"I'm still not convinced," I assured her and watched her roll her eyes.

"I'm not listening to what you bitch about then; you are on your own. He is hot, you are hot, and no one's expecting you to have his children. The solution is both easy and fun and I am done trying to tell you how to not ruin the assignment for him."

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