Chapter 36: Not Going Anywhere

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Song is for the start of the chapter!

I woke up to beeping. It sounded almost like my phone alarm but this one was steady and annoying. I tried to frown, but it took too much energy. I reached to turn it off by my arms were too heavy to move. I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in my bed at home. It was a small room with light green walls. It was sterol and it didn't help that the whole place smelt like cleaner.

The room looked liked the cleanest place in the world, but I didn't feel clean. I was clammy and stale. I looked around at all the machines around me, my eyes latched onto a tube sticking out of my gown, moving blood from a loud machine then though another tube back into my arm.

My breath caught in my lungs as I tried to take a deep breath. I struggled to breathe even though I felt tubes up my nose.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone move out of the shadows of the night. Auggie pushed himself up from the couch and moved to the chair beside me in one fluid motion. "Annalise, it's ok you're safe," Auggie comforted me softly. He held my cold hand and I intertwined my fingers with his instantly. He kissed my hand and forced a smile.

I was in agony. Even with these machines around me, keeping me alive, I could still feel my body shutting down. I was going to die here in this ugly room and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The poison, the damage my body took, it was too far gone to heal. "Auggie, my head hurts," I mumbled, unable to form anything more clear out of my mouth.

He smiled weakly as he brushed some of my hair from my face. His clothes were wrinkled and stained and bags were apparent under his eyes. He had been here forever. I saw pain in his eyes. He was afraid for me. "I'm sorry."

There was a minute of silence as we shared a moment of uninterrupted peace. I wanted to enjoy this moment with him, just him and I but the machines in the background quickly ruined it when they started beeping a little louder. The burning feeling in my body intensified and all I wanted was for sleep to pull me under again. "I'm dying, aren't I?" I mumbled as I struggled to take a breath.

Auggie frowned as he tried to keep it together. He shook his head. He was a terrible liar, he always had been. "No, everything will be fine. Just wait and see. You'll be fine. We'll be fine," he said softly, trying to convince himself of the same fact. He squeezed my hand then kissed my forehead.

I tried to smile at him but failed. I didn't want to argue with him. If I was dying, I just wanted to remember us together. I wanted him to know that "I love you," I said as I closed my eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

"I love you too, Annalise, I always will," he said as I felt his warm lips press against my hand.

I felt myself drift into the darkness again.

It felt like only minutes had gone by when I opened my eyes again. I looked to see Auggie asleep in the chair right beside me, a frown etched across his pale face. His clothes were now changed to a gray track set that had university on it that I didn't know. I must had been asleep longer than I thought.

I looked around at the medical equipment in the room. It looked like there was less around me this time. I took a struggled to take a deep breath in and felt it catch in my throat. The painful fire in my body was now only a little bonfire, lighting my chest in pain, hinting that maybe I was getting better.

A second later, a nurse came in with a tired look on her face. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. She looked at me and smiled lightly. "Good morning," she said softly as she pulled a blanket out from a cupboard and put it over Auggie.

Auggie grabbed it in his sleep and instantly snuggled into it.

I looked at the window and saw that it was still dark. If it was morning it was early morning. "Morning," I mumbled at her.

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