Chapter 9: Lights Turned On

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Look out for the <>!

I woke up the next morning dripping in sweat and my arm screaming in pain. I pried my eyes open in panic as a nightmare still having its hold on me. I was no stranger to nightmares, but I hadn't had one that vivid in far too long.

I laid in bed as I tried to control my breathing. I was convinced that the stress was getting to me. I wiped my forehead and checked the time. It was too early to start work but to late to go back to sleep. So instead of wasting any more time in bed, I rolled out of bed to go for a run.

Within a few minutes, I was stepping out of the hotel front doors. The cold humid air wrapped around my face like a ghost of a hug. With a smile as I looked at the sun barely kissing the horizon I started down the road at a steady speed.

Within a short 2o minutes, I was walking back into the hotel sweaty and hot from the run I just partook in. I opened the front doors to the hotel and looked behind myself as I heard a muffler bang.

I didn't take more then two steps forward until I felt myself make impact with a solid item. I heard a grunt and I turned to see a man in front of me dropped his papers on the ground. They scattered like snow on a winter day and he swore lightly.

I frowned at myself. Why did I have to be so klutzy? "Oh I'm sorry," I said and looked down at all the papers.

"No it's ok really, it was my fault," he said in a frantic tone, not looking at me. I reached down to help but he replied, "you really don't need to do that."

However, I refused to listen. This was my fault and I was going to help. I handed him a paper in my hand.

He took it then grabbed a hold of my wrist and sternly said, "I don't need your help." For a split second his brown eyes met mind then with papers in hand, he ran off out of the hotel.

I frowned at the back end of the stubby man. I guess that Mr. Grouchy pants woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I looked down at the floor seeing that he forgot one paper. I picked it up and said, "Sir?" as I looked around. But he was already gone.

I shrugged as turned the paper over and looked at it, expecting to see nothing important. My eyes widened as I read it. It was stamped across the top of it was block red letters MIA. Below the letters was my name and a list of previous missions.

My air was knocked from me as my heart pounded in my chest. I looked around nervously, suddenly I felt like everyone in the lobby was looking at me. Our covers had been blown. I had to get Toby out of here. MIA was on to us.

I ran up to Toby's room and pounded on the door. He didn't answer and I was starting to panic. My mind assumed the worse and tears welled in my eyes. They got to him first and now they were going to get me. "Toby, open the door!" I yelled franticly.

Within a second, the door opened to reveal Toby staring calmly at me as if nothing was wrong. "Were you planning to breaking down the door?" he asked with a smirk, amusement danced in his eyes.

If only he knew what was happening. He wouldn't be so calm about it. But for now he was safe and that was a small victory. MIA hadn't gotten to him yet. I hugged him tightly, breathing him in. "I thought something happened to you," I said after a minute, with my face buried in his shoulder.

He chuckled lightly as he hugged me back. "No, I'm fine. Why would you think that?" he asked as he pulled me out of the embrace. Concern filled his eyes for a second as he looked at me.

I looked at the empty hall and knew it wasn't safe to stay out here. I pushed him and myself into the room and locked the door behind us. I didn't care what B26 said or if Toby would steal my thunder. He had to know. I had to protect him. If they knew about me, they had to know about him. He had to be ready. "Because I found this," I said and showed him a MIA paper.

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