Chapter 22: To Be Continued

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Look out for the <>!

Carter drove me to work the next day. However as we drove, there this awkwardness silence that was so thick in the air I could cut it with a knife. He was upset that I was dating Auggie, that was clear, but there was nothing that I could say that would make this better so I stayed silent.

We parked in the lot and quickly got out of the car as if it would explode at any moment. I followed him slowly out of the car, careful not move a certain way that would make my ribs burn more then they already were. I knew he was hurt but I felt like he could handle this better. I still wanted to be friends with him, I still valued what we had, just because I was taken didn't mean everything changed.

Carter nodded at me as if to say goodbye then walked his separate way into the building. I frowned as he sped walked away from me as if I was toxic. A part of me thought I was, after all, I was dangerous. Stay too close to me and you were bound to get hurt.

With heavy feet and my mind floating in a distance land, I walked to my desk. I peered over my cubical walls to see Mara already at her desk.

As if sensing a change in the force, Mara stopped typing and took out her ear buds. "Girl where were you last night?" Mara asked with a small smile. She was always one for trouble gossip, but unlike everyone here, she wouldn't share it. She was like a treasure chest, keeping all good stories locked away deep in her mind.

"I went to the lake. I needed air, alone."

Mara nodded as if she understood. "Say no more. I get it."

I sat down at my desk and frown at the turned off computer. I wanted to reach out to B26, I wanted them to know my concerns but I had no idea how to reach them. Also I feared that they would reach me at the wrong time.

"What is that long face for? Girl you have something your hiding and I better hear it during lunch," Mara said as she popped her head over her cubical to look at me.

She read me too well sometimes. "Ok," I said as I tried to prepare myself for the inevitable. I wouldn't be able to hide all the secrets from Mara, she was bound to find them out one way or another.

Before I knew it, Mara was popping her head over her cubicle again and with her lunch in her hand and a smile on her face. "Ready?"

I nodded, knowing exactly where we needed to go for a privet conversation. I got up from my seat and led the way out of the building to a running course that the CIA owned on base.

Mara quickly found a half rotting log and sat down on it, uncaring that it would dirty her pants. She may have dressed well, but I knew that Mara was just as much as a tom boy as the girls at the skate park. She just wouldn't let it show at work. She was guarded here, and she had a right to be. She was young, beautiful and talented, people were jealous of her and they wanted to steal what she had at all coasts. She pulled out a sandwich then said, "So you know every part of my mission. I want to know what you've been up to."


I shrugged. I had played this conversation over and over in my mind and I still didn't know how to go about it. I knew I needed help with MIA but I was so scared that I would trust the wrong person again. I hard already been burnt and I couldn't bare being burnt again, it would be the death of me. "Well, the past two missions have been in country," I said as I sat down right next to her. I pulled out an apple and took a bite.

"Yuck. I hate those," she said and took a bite of her sandwich. "Mmmm, home made Israeli humus sandwich, want a bite?"

I nodded then took a bite. Mara's parents owned a middle eastern restaurant and her father was the chef. He never disappointed me with the food. "Oh that's good."

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