Chapter 33: Finishing This

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Look out for the <>!

I looked at this sandy blonde hair man in front of me then tried to find something to attack him with. Panic rose in me, knowing that it was MIA, they were here to take me away.

However the man did not move, in fact, amusement played in his eyes for a second as he ran his hands through his cut short hair that hadn't been brushed in a while. His greenish blue eyes that had winkles around them seemed to hold more secrets then I would see in a life time.

He stood up from his chair calmly and pulled on his gray T that looked worn out. "Hello, Annalise."

I recognized that voice instantly. I hadn't heard it in years but I would never forget the sound of my father's voice. "Dad?" I whispered as tears started down my face.

For years I dreamt of this moment. I wished he came sooner but as he stood in front of me, I couldn't believe he was here, in my house, our old house. He looked aged but yet like he hadn't changed.

"Hello," he said uncomfortably. He looked awkward and out of place, as if not sure what he wanted to do next.

I didn't care about how much time had passed, I couldn't help but walk into his arms. I just wanted him to hold me as if no time had passed at all. "Dad, I missed you so much," I cried into his shoulder.

"I missed you too." His voice trembled as he hugged me tightly as if I would disappear if he let go.

I held onto him tightly too. I didn't want him to let go, fearing that this moment would end as fast as it came.

After what felt like hours gone by, he finally drew out of the hug. "You've grown up," he said looking at me from head to toe.

I nodded. Time would do that to a person. He was gone for years. I grew up, matured, I wasn't his little girl any longer.

With a heavy sigh, he walked back to the table and sat down. "Annalise, the CIA is too dangerous for you right now. They're getting out of control. If you walked back into Langley you will be detained and taken to the MIA base. I don't know how you got out today, but you were lucky. MIA has too strong of a hold on the CIA and it's growing stronger every day." He was scared.

I sat down at the table across from him as I mulled over his words for a moment. For months he wanted me go after them but now that I was so close, he wanted me to run. I shook my head. I wasn't going anywhere. I could take them. I held my own thus far, I could continue to do it. But it sounded like he wanted to give up. He wanted me to give up with him. But I couldn't, I was too close. "I'm not giving up, dad."

He cupped my face. "Please," he begged.

If MIA was really that deep into the CIA, no one else would fix this. This was on me. I had all the information, the MIA was afraid of me, not any one else. "You gave me this job and I'm going to finish it, with or without your help. I'm so close to finding the leaders of MIA."

His frown deepened. He didn't like me standing up to him. But he lost that fatherly title when he left me. "I can't lose you too." His voice was getting louder.

"What do you mean too?" I asked looking straight into his eyes trying to decode what he was talking about. He looked at the ground to hide his face but not before I saw tear fall to the ground. "Mom, she's actually dead." As sad as this fact was, to me, she had died a long time ago.

He nodded slowly. "You're the only thing I have in this world that I still care about. Please stop."

His words were sincere and as much as I wanted to listen to him, I had to finish this. I owed it to my grandmother, to him, and the CIA. Additionally, I was in too deep that even if I tried to walk away, MIA wouldn't let me. I would be on the run forever and I couldn't have that. "If I fix this, we can be together; we wouldn't have to worry about MIA. I could be with you. We could be a family again."

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