Chapter 12: Pleased To Meet You

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When I woke up the next morning, I expected to be still laying on someone but instead my head was on something less boney. I felt a pillow cradle my head. I pulled a blanket closer to my body and realized that it wasn't there the night before. I pulled the fabric around myself and smiled lightly, feeling safe inside the comfort of the material.

Gunshots echoed through my mind as if they where blowing up my family room. My smile slid off my face and suddenly, it came back to me. Toby, Auggie, the base. Toby stole my heart then crushed it in his hands. And with Auggie's last breath, my soul died. I was never going to be the same. I let out a shaky breath as I tried to keep it together. Carter was the one that brought me home. He was sent by my grandmother to keep an eye on me.

Toby allowed Auggie to die. I was never going to see Auggie again. Emotions hit me like a wall as I remembered Auggie's first day at the CIA instantly.

I was in such a terribly mood as I walked onto my floor. It was my first day back from vacation and I was late. I was going to get an earful from my grandmother about it. In her eyes, it seemed like I could do nothing right.

I looked at my watch for the fifth time as I turned my computer on. I had no time for this. I tapped on the computer impatiently as I waited. When the screen turned on, my phone buzzed and I got it out of my back pocket. "Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Annalise? Where are you?" Gram said on the other line of the phone.

I popped my head over my cubicle and looked at her through her glass office. I waved to show that I was here. "I'm here," I said into the phone. Hopefully she wouldn't catch that I was late.


She hung up the phone and walked over to me. She had one of those scowls on her face like I seen too many times before. She wasn't in a good mood either.

"On the first floor there's a new employee. Today's his first day and he'll be working in our department. I want you to show him the ropes," she said to me.

I nodded at her even though I wanted to say no. I did not want to deal with any people today, but I couldn't say no to her. "Ok gram, I will," I said.

"His names is August Ross," she said then smiled lightly. She brushed her hand against my cheek. "It's good to have you back."

I smiled lightly, suddenly feeling like I was enough. With one touch my mood melted. That was all I wanted all along. "Ok, I'll look for him,"I said, my mood changing for the better with just that little gesture. I got up from my desk and walked back to the elevator to find this new man.

As I stepped out then looked around the busy lobby, I frowned. I wasn't sure how I was going to find a man who I have never met before. I started walking around the room hoping to find a confused looking guy but in the process, I ran into someone.

I mentally swore as I rubbed my arm from the contact. "Oh I'm sorry," I said with a frown, goodness, couldn't I do anything right?

"No, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going. This place is so big, I've never seen a building like this before," the man said as he picked up his folder from the ground.

"So you're new?" I asked as I looked at the man that looked a little older than myself. His eyes seemed to sparkle with some kind of wonder that I had lost long ago. He smiled lightly at me and for a second it made me believe that everything was right in the world. The CIA hadn't crushed him yet. He had to be new.

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