Chapter 6: Good At Solving Puzzles

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Song for the start of the chapter!

You are welcome!

I laid in bed the next morning for a few moments as I tried to remember what happened last night at the club. Everything blurred together after we got there and I am sure the drinks didn't help anything. I thought about the fight that Toby and I had. He was explosive, like a bomb going off and our emotions were left scattered like debris on a battle field. I had never need that side of him before.

I looked at the clock on my phone with a frown as I saw the time. "Great, I have only have 20 minutes to get ready." I said and got out of the king sized bed franticly. I couldn't believe that I forgot to set the alarm.

I felt my body ache and my head spin as I walked to the bathroom. I partied too much last night. I was worried that my head would be too clouded for today. I shouldn't have gone clubbing. I should have stayed home and played it safe.

Within a few short minutes, I was dressed and down in the large brightly colored lobby to eat breakfast. I looked around at the near empty space and ran to get a quick meal. I felt my stomach growl as I grabbed a two pieces toast, yogurt, a muffin, and an apple with glass of milk.

"Someone's hungry," Toby said over his newspaper from a couple tables over. He smirked at me as I took a bite of toast, unwilling to wait until I was sitting down to eat it.

I nodded as I swallowed the bite of toast. "It was all of those dance moves last night," I said and went over to sit by him.

"That has to be it," he said with a chuckle. The tension from yesterday was completely gone and just like that, he seemed to be back to normal. He turned back to his newspaper as I took another bite of food.

"I'm guessing you've been up for a while," I said looking at his polished look that looked to be straight out of a fashion magazine.

He nodded as he patted his perfectly gelled hair. "Yeah, since 7, I'm guessing you just woke up,"Toby said as he looked with dripping wet hair, who forgot to put on mascara.

"I woke up at a little past eight. Forgot to set my alarm," I said then shoving my mouth full of muffin. My head was continuing to pound and I felt like I had a slight hang over. I thought Toby would have one too but as I looked at his manicured outfit and alert eyes, I knew that he was perfectly fine.

It made me wonder, did he even drink last night? I tried to remember if he had anything. I could have sworn he drank the same amount as me, but maybe I was wrong. I suddenly felt self-conscious of my appearance. They would see him and how put together he was, then there was me, a dim little star trying to make herself known.

"Oh, that sucks. Well you have about five more minutes before Fabien's here," Toby said with amusement in his voice. He leaned back in his chair and put his newspaper down to watch me. He wanted to see me stuff my face.

I frowned. "Don't remind me," I grumbled as I started to eat a little faster.

By time we made it into the CIA building, we braced ourselves for more chaos but were pleasantly surprised to see that things appeared to have calmed down a bit. I looked around at the second floor and even noticed people talking about their night before as if there was nothing pressing that they needed to accomplish at the current moment.

"You're right on time, good," General Smith said as he came up to us with a smile on his face. It was clear that his mood was better then when we last saw him. This must have meant that we were doing our jobs correctly. I just hoped he placed a good word for us with my grandmother. "I want you, Annalise to go to the 3rd floor. They're having problems with the main computer again."

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