Chapter 18: Distract Me

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Look out for the <>!

I walked through the white front door of my house and tossed the keys on my kitchen table with a smile. I was in such a great mood that I decided to go for a run. Without wasting any time, I changed to a workout outfit and started off on my merry way down the neighborhood road like I often did on Wednesdays.

I knew every car on that street and what everyone did on Wednesdays. People were creatures of habit, and I saw that clearly on the road I lived on. However, one thing stood out as I ran down the road, a black BMV SUV that I have never seen before.

I stared at it as I ran past. The car was running and as I looked at the driver, he stared back at me as if his sole job was not to take his eyes off me. I frowned at him as I ran past. It was nothing. But this got me more on edge as the seconds ticked by. I knew that it was only time until MIA found me, after all, Toby did know where I lived.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself it was nothing, I couldn't shake that he was here for me. So I cut my jog short and ran back home. With shaking hands, forced my front door open then locked it behind me, as if that would help me.

"It's nothing. It's nothing," I said as I paced around my family room. I was having a panic attack. I couldn't breathe. I thought of the words that Zach told me while we were in Florida. MIA is dangerous. They will kill anyone that gets close.

I ran my hands through my hair. They were going to come after me. Zach was right for changing his name and leaving the organization. Maybe I needed to go into hiding myself.

I shook my head as I quickly shot down that idea. I wasn't a runner. I just needed to cool my mind. Maybe it wasn't MIA. I was still here wasn't I? I just needed someone to talk to. With shaking hands I called the person that I knew would help me the most.

"Missed me already?" Auggie asked with humor.

I was silent. I couldn't make a sound. I sank to my knees in fear. They were coming for me. I knew it.


"Annalise?" Auggie asked with worry.

I shook my head, as if he could see it. "Auggie, please tell me something," I said as my voice cracked.

He was silent for a moment. "Breathe Annalise," he said calmly. Almost instantly, his voice started to calmed me down. "Everything will be fine."

I shook my head again. Everything was not fine. "I think Toby is coming after me," I whispered, unwilling to talk about MIA over the phone. "I'm afraid that he'll finish the job Fabien set out to do."

There was more silence. He was thinking. "And what are you going to do if he does?"

I frowned. I don't know. What would I do if I had to stand up Toby? I wanted to believe that I would be strong enough to take him down and bring him in, but deep down, I knew I wasn't. I knew Toby, he would get into my mind. He knew how to make me feel like I couldn't beat him and I would listen to his words. I always did, it was something in his voice.

But right now, I would crumble at the sight of him. He had already done so much to me. He took away everything that I valued and threw it away. He made me question everything. Could I take out my ex boyfriend? No, I don't think I could.

"Do I need to call for someone to watch the house?" he asked after a minute of silence.

I shook my head. "No, I can watch out for myself. I just need to calm down," I said, as if I believed in those words myself. Besides, I didn't need anyone thinking I was more uncappable then they already did.

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