Chapter 21: Why Was I So Special?

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Look out for the <>!

As I started to feel the drugs kicking in, I decided it was time to get ready. I walked into the bathroom and took off my shirt gingerly. I looked at the bruises that spread across my ribs with a frown, not liking what I saw. They were varying shades of color.

Quickly, I got into the shower and quickly washed down the dirt and grime from yesterday. Then changed into some more comfortable clothes, which Gram gave me. Within a few minutes I already felt like a newer, cleaner self. Happy, I ran my hands through my wet hair as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Annalise? Shouldn't you rest?" Auggie asked me for the fifth time as I searched the room for my phone.

I shook. I couldn't. I needed to talk to Toby at the Loft. "No, I actually need some fresh air," I said as I grabbed my phone and saw the time. I had to leave in the next 10 minutes to get there early.

Auggie frowned at me, but remained quiet. He knew that there was nothing he could say that would make me stay.

I kissed Auggie lightly on the cheek. "I'll be fine. Relax. I'll be back soon. Can I use someone's car?"

"I got your car. It's in the drive way," Gram said as she walked into the room. She suck her hands in her jeans then pulled out my keys.

I smiled. "Thanks, I owe you," I said then walked down the stairs and out the door.

In a matter of a few minutes, I found myself at the Loft, waiting for Toby to arrive. I looked at my watch again, I only had 10 minutes before he came. I could feel my heart pounded and my chest burned even with the pain medication.

Was I actually ready for this? Could I face him? What was he going to say to make this all better? I couldn't control the other questions floating around in my mind. Maybe I was crazy for doing this. After all, Toby was MIA, he shouldn't be trusted. But what if he could? What if there was something in him that knew this was bad and he was trying to redeem himself?

My phone buzzed, making me jump, signaling that it was now eight. I looked around the nearly empty restaurant with a frown. He wasn't here.

Minutes ticked by until it was 8:15. By now my fingers were hitting the table a rhythm. I should have known that he wasn't coming, that he stood me up. But I couldn't force myself to leave. What if he was late? What if he still wanted to talk?

I stood up and walked to the pool table to try to pass the time. I set up the balls and started to shoot as I waited.

Minutes ticked onward until a voice rang out from behind me. "You really let yourself go, I remember you beat me every time we played," he said calmly with a chuckle that sounded cool and refreshing.

"Well I'm not trying...." I said my voice trailing off when turned to face Toby's deep blue eyes. My breath got stuck in my throat. What was I thinking? I couldn't face him for a number of reasons. I was stupid for coming here. Another stupid move by Annalise, a stupid child. I gripped the cue as hard as I braced for what he would do next.


He flinched back as if I already attacked him. "I'm unarmed," he said holding up his hands in act of innocents. 

I didn't believe him as I kept the grip around the stick. Seeing him here, was like ripping of a scab that was only starting to heal. Just the sound of his voice ripped through my body like a bullet. I was crushed all over again just by looking at him.

He frowned. He looked hurt, maybe as much as I was. But I knew that had to be all fake, after all he was grandmothers favorite spy for a reason. "Please Annalise. Just five minutes. I'll answer any question you have. They don't know I'm here right now. Do you know how hard it is to slip from their grasp?"

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