Chapter 45 - Females.

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After Wendell got home from hanging out with the boys until midnight, he plopped into his bed and started watching TV.

But even though he didn't want to interfere with Latoya, he still wanted to talk to her. He still wanted to see how her day was. He wanted to see how she was doing. So instead, Wendell rolled over to his phone a few minutes later and decided to call her.

"Hello?" Latoyia said, answering in a sleepy tone.

"Hey." Wendell smiled.

"Hey." Latoyia responded in a bland tone.

"Whatcha doin'?" Wendell asked.

"Just got done putting the baby to sleep." Latoyia sighed.

"Oh." Wendell sighed back. "Well, I was wondering-"

"Yeah Wendell, I think it's best if we don't talk anymore." Latoyia said. "Sorry."

Wendell was confused. He knew that he didn't want to keep in touch with her, but he has no clue on why she didn't want to talk to him.

"Did I do something wrong?" Wendell asked in a confused and lost state.

"So you only got my number just because of some stupid game you and your little "boys" were playing?" Latoyia snarled.

Wendell knew what she was talking about. One up.

"I admit, I did." Wendell panted. "BUT your number was the only number that I got. That's it!"

"So that's supposed to make me happy that you only got my number because of a stupid game? Are you kidding me?" Latoyia snapped. "I never introduce my daughter to anyone on the first day and you're the prime example why! Getting at me to have sex-"

"Woah woah woah, I got your number playing a game, but I NEVER got at you just for sex. That's one of the seven deadly sins!" Wendell plead. "Where'd you get that from?"

"Let's just say that one of your friends were looking out." Latoyia said. "Have a nice life, Wendell."

As Latoyia hung up the phone, Wendell knew the only people who knew that they played One Up, were the boys themselves. The next day, Wendell didn't leave the house. He waited until he knew that the boys were going to arrive at their local park. When he walked there and got there 10 minutes later, he walked up to the table and shoved all of the blunts off of the table, giving them a furious look.

"What the hell?" Victor barked, giving him an angry look. "Nigga, is you stupid?"

"Which one of y'all told her?" Wendell asked in an angry tone.

"The fuck is you talking 'bout?" Oscar laughed.

"Latoyia!" Wendell snapped. "Which one of y'all told Latoyia that I was only going after her to fuck?"

"The hell is this nigga talking 'bout, man?" Trayvon whispered to Oscar, laughing and pointing in his face.

"I bet it was you, wasn't it Oscar?" Wendell continued. "Especially since you always saying shit like that!"

"Nigga, why the fuck would we tell the girls we're getting their numbers when we was playing the game too?" Oscar barked. "Do you know how dumb you sound?"

"And who the hell is Latoyia?" Benji asked. "Is that her name?"

Wendell scrunched his eyebrows, giving them a weird look.

"Yeah......?" Wendell asked.

"Nigga you better sit down before we get to beating your ass." Trayvon snarled. "Quit throwing a little bitch fit."

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