Chapter 33 - . . .

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Meanwhile, Oscar was bored with nothing to do. Since all of the boys were split up, he didn't have no choice but to find some other people to spend time with. While he was walking, he seen Natalee and Anne Frank walking together with Caylee and Jonylah.

"Aye!" Oscar said, shouting towards them.

"What?" Natalee said, looking back and giving him a vile look.

"Where y'all going?"

"Somewhere you're not." Anne said as they both turned around and finished their walk.

"Well why y'all don't let a nigga ride with y'all?" Oscar said, putting his hands out.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Anne snarled.

"He means, why don't we just let him hang with us." Natalee snarled as they walked up to him. "And why do you "all of a sudden" want to do that?"

"I just thought i'd ask." Oscar shrugged. "What's wrong with that?"

"No, I know why. Him and his friends split up." Anne smiled. "Hadiya told me."

"Who the fuck is Hadiya?" Oscar snarled.

"Oh so just a few weeks ago you were calling me a bitch, but now you want to hang?" Natalee laughed. "It's funny how low you'll go when you don't have any friends."

"Alright! Alright. It's because we split up. Damn!" Oscar growled. "Is y'all happy, now?"

"Well, you can hang out with us." Natalee smiled. "But you might not like the things that we do for fun. Just saying."

"Well y'all some little white girls and I know that y'all drink heavily, so I'm pretty sure that I'm down." Oscar shrugged as he walked with them. "Besides, it can't be that bad."

"Oh, and can you not curse around the kids?" Natalee snarled as they started walking. "It's pretty rude."

"Oh my bad!" Oscar smiled as he roughed up Caylee's hair. "What's up, Lil mama? What's your name?"

"Caylee." Caylee said, inching a little closer to Natalee.

"Aye Caylee. I'm Oscar!" Oscar smiled. "But you can call me O or whatever you want."

"He looks rough.." Caylee said as she looked up at Natalee.

In that instant, everyone started laughing accept for him. Oscar growled and looked away, shaking his head.

"Little shithead girl..." Oscar mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Anne said as she looked at him.

"Nothing." Oscar smiled. "Just, nothing."

When Oscar got to Natalee's house, it was just as boring as he predicted it to be.

At the home was Natalee's friends Tara, Anne and Margot Frank, a girl named Corey Parker, Laci Peterson, Tara, and Hadiya. When he got there, everyone sat around and started playing board games while playing a little bit of the Beatles along with some Coldplay. One of the songs that they were playing by Coldplay, was a song called "Yellow".

"UNO!" Laci cheered, putting her card out.

"Shoot." Hadiya said, looking at the other girls, putting out her card. "Do any of y'all got any draw fours?"

"I got a wild card!" Anne smiled, placing it out. "And the color is...."

Everyone looked around in agony, waiting for her to announce the color that could put Laci out of the game.


"HA!" Laci smiled as she slammed her green card onto the table. "Uno OUT!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww!" All of the girls moaned as they continued to play UNO elimination.

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