Chapter 4 - "Infancy."

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Yasmine gasped in shock. She'd never murdered anyone in her life, yet someone was asking her to kill another person. Yasmine looked away, then glanced down.

"I......I can't...." Yasmine mumbled.

"Why not?" Trayvon asked in a disappointed tone.

"You can't just ask why not like it isn't a hard task." Yasmine snarled. "You're asking me to......KILL someone."

Yasmine had a point. Trayvon gave her a serious look, then glanced away.

"I'm sorry." Yasmine sighed.

"Well, you don't necessarily have to do it." Trayvon said, looking back at her. "You could go to a hit man and ask him."

"Well, how could I do that without getting caught?" Yasmine asked.

"That's what hit men do." Trayvon said. "They kill and wipe their slate clean without getting caught."

Yasmine gave Trayvon a confused look, then took a deep breath.

"I'll think about it." Yasmine sighed as she made her way out of his home. "It was nice to meet you."

Yasmine shut the door and thought to herself about what would happen if she got caught. At this point, she still wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not. She took a deep breath and started making her way home, when a teenager that was running bumped into her. When Yasmine stumbled off to the side, she glanced up at the boy and didn't know who he was.

His name was Benji. Benjamin Wilson. He was a 17 year old boy who was the #1 high school basketball player in 1983 - 1984, but was shot and killed while walking his girlfriend to school.

"Whoops." Benji laughed as he looked down at her. "Sorry."

"Woah. You're, tall!" Yasmine gasped as she looked up at him. "Heh heh."

"Aye, are you going to the Tupac concert?" Benji asked. "It's right around the corner."

"A Tupac concert! Gosh this place is amazing!" Yasmine gasped. "Where at?"

"Here 'ya go." Benji said as he handed her a flyer. "It's at the end of the sunset. But try to get there early because the seats tend to get filled. Also when people get hyper, their wings seems to bloom and come out quick. Your name?"

"Thanks!" Yasmine smiled. "And I'm Yasmine?"

"Benji." Benji nodded as he jogged away. "See you there, Yasmine!"

Yasmine smiled and walked off as Trayvon glanced out of the window. The minute Trayvon took the picture of his mother and glanced at the frame, a bright light came over his window. When he seen who was knocking, it was Jesus. Every time someone seemed like they were in trouble or when someone committed one of the deadly sins. When Trayvon seen him, he immediately knew what he was there for. He took a deep breath to brace himself, then opened the window to his place.

"Yes?" Trayvon said in a nervous tone.

"Step out, Trayvon."

As Trayvon stepped out of his home, Jesus grabbed his hand and flew him to his home, which was the largest home in the gates. Once he got there, Jesus placed him onto the golden stairs that laid in front of him and sat on his chair.

"Is it true that you ordered to have someone killed by a person who hasn't received their wings?" Jesus asked.

"Yes..." Trayvon said, looking at the ground.

"And why?" Jesus asked in a serious tone. "You know that that is one of the several deadly sins. Wrath."

"I hate George Zimmerman." Trayvon growled, giving him a furious look.

"But hating him is only going to let him know that he's getting the best for you. And what did out Heavenly Father say?" Jesus asked. "GOD will deal with all evil."

"No he won't." Trayvon said as he looked up at him. "God accepts each and every person from earth no matter how evil they are, yet nobody on earth knows that! It doesn't even matter what he's done to me. He's STILL going to be accepted here."

"So why would you want to kill him off early so that he could get here early?" Jesus asked.

Trayvon didn't say anything. Talking about it only made him angrier. As he clenched his jaw and looked away, Jesus kept his eyes on him and took a deep breath.

"The men of my time whipped and beat me to a core and I still chose to forgive them." Jesus said. "Forgiveness is the answer."

"I will NEVER forgive him for what he did! He took me away from my family!" Trayvon barked. "I've been here for almost 2 years and how many friends have I made? NONE. He took me away from the friends that I had on earth and most importantly he took me away from my mom, dad, and brother. I won't be able to see them for at LEAST 40 years. I want to be with them!"

"Unfortunately Trayvon, once you have your wings, it's settled." Jesus sighed. "I apologize."

"This is bullshit." Trayvon growled as he stormed away into the clouds. "I don't want to be here!"

As he left, Jesus took a deep breath and stood up, facing the skies above him.

"I guess we're going to have to send him to hell, father." Jesus sighed. "He's not pull-"

"No, we're not." God spoke, talking to his son. "We're going to keep him here."

"But he continues to sin over and over!" Jesus said in a calm tone. "Not to mention that he plans to send someone away from the heavens and have a person killed on earth. This isn't a good reputation here and it's going against all of the rules! I love him just like I love everyone else, but these are your rules, father."

"You mustn't forget that he's still a teenager. He's going to have these feelings." God replied. "Trayvon isn't sinning on purpose. He's sinning out of anger, regret, and fury. As a father yourself, you must teach him that there's something here that's worth staying here. Show him the way."

"Well what if I can't get through to him, father?" Jesus asked as he placed his hands out.

"Then somebody will." God said. "I have faith in him and all of my children."

Back on earth, Yasmine's mother received a call from the hospital. The call, wasn't a good one.

"Hello?" Her mother answered.

"Hello is this Y'vonne Spencer?" The doctor asked.


"We have news about your daughter, Yasmine." The doctor sighed.

"What happened?" Her mother gasped as she sat up. "Is she okay?"

"She's still alive but.....she's slipped into another coma." The doctor sighed. "We had to do surgery around her temple area and she slipped into another one afterwards."

Her mother leaned back into her chair and covered her face, still stressed. She took a deep breath, waiting for the doctor to give her some more news.

"We're doing the best that we can." The doctor said. "As of now, Yasmine is resting."

Meanwhile, everyone in the Tupac concert were going banana's. Yasmine immediately thought that since this was heaven, you couldn't curse and act out of control. She was wrong. With all of the experience, she was starting to realize more and more that heaven was just a place where you could finally be free without having to worry about being judged.

"I ain't no killer, but don't push me!" Tupac shouted as he pointed the microphone out.

"Revenge is like the sweetest joy, next to getting pussy!" Everyone shouted back as Tupac got even more hype.

"Now everyone bust out 'ya wings!" He shouted.

As Yasmine stood in the back, she watched everyone flare out their angel wings. As Yasmine snapped her fingers, she realized that she didn't have any. She wasn't dead yet. As Tupac paced back and forth rapping with his wings out on stage, Yasmine felt out of place. She almost felt like she didn't belong there because she wasn't "dead" like everyone else was. Instead, she walked out of the row and started making her way back home.

But as she walked past the golden gates, she heard a cooing noise. As she stopped and glanced outside of the gate, she didn't see anyone. When she heard the noise again, she glanced down at the cloudy ground and seen a small brown skinned baby with small angel wings on her back. She'd passed the way. When she pressed the button to open the gate, she picked the baby up and glanced at her, watching her click her tongue and look around. When she glanced on her sides, she seen that there were small spots of blood. They were bullet wounds. What Yasmine didn't know, is that the baby would be clear of all of her wounds when she crossed the gate.

"What sick bastard shoots a baby to death?" Yasmine thought in her head.

"Aaahaablaaeeehhaaaah." The baby smiled, looking up at her.

"AWH." Yasmine smiled as she wigged her cheeks. "Would you like to be my little baby?"

Yasmine never had any children of her own, so it was nice to have a "child" of some sort. However, she still wasn't dead. It was going to be a downside to raising the baby because when she came out of her coma, she would have to leave it.

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