Last day

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Emily's POV

I don't know if i should say something, so move, or just stay quiet. I'm still trying to understand what she said, to realize that... we only have one more day to be together. I can't see anything right now, everything is blushed. My legs feel weak, my brain is just not working.

"Tomorrow is probably going to be my last day in here"

Those words are the only thing in my head right now. Less than 48 hours. I try to look at her, but everything is so unclear. I rub my eyes and I open them again. I look in front of me and I see her looking at the ground. I don't know what to do. If I do what I feel inside, it would be just fall on my knees and cry, this pain is killing me. But... that wouldn't be the right thing to do in front of her, she was already crying before she told me.

"It's okay" I say doing my best to pretend some happiness.

She looks up at me. In the moment her crystal blue eyes contact with mine I feel so much worse. She knows I lied and I know she knows. Her eyes are full of tears, but I know she's not letting them go out, same as me. Suddenly she starts to cry again. I just can't see her like this. I hug her, so hard, as I let tears fall down my cheeks too, I couldn't keep them inside, I'm totally broken right now. She keeps crying on my shoulder, I'm trying to calm her but she's not stopping.

"Ali, you don't need to cry" I say low, close to her ear. "Everything is okay" I keeps saying I caress her hair.

"No it's not" She says, still crying.

I know it's not, but we just can't keep like this. I take a step back and I grab her hands. I can still feel tears running down my face, but that can't stop me.

"Alison look at me" I say, serious.

After a few seconds she finally looks up, with those broken eyes, full of tears.

"Let's not waste our time together crying okay?" I say faking a little smile.

"O-okay" She says nodding and faking a little smile too.

I get closer again to wrap her with my arms, again. I'm still shocked about the news and I know I won't really believe it until I see her walking away from the door she just walked in, dressed in normal clothes. I know in that moment I'll really feel the pain. But I'm not gonna make her have a bad last day, I want to be with her, calmed and just... together.

"Have you eaten?" I ask her still hugging her.

"I'm not hungry" She says still with the same voice.

"Let's go to the room then" I say now pulling away.

I look to one of sides to see Hanna and Cece with a really sad face looking at us. They are her friends too, they deserve this moment I had with her right now, to affront the news, specially Hanna. I move away still looking at them. Hanna got my message, she literally runs to her and hugs her so hard. Cece keep looking at me, she knows how bad I feel right now. I go next to her, looking at the ground.

"I don't really know what to say" She says with a sad voice.

"There's nothing to say" I answer.

It's true. She can't tell me that this is going to be okay. She can't tell me that we'll find a way to make it work. She can't tell me if I will see her ever again. This looks like the end for me, and I'm so afraid about it. I don't want to lose her and I would do anything to keep her by my side but... no in here, not like this. I see Hanna pulling away and Cece goes there now. I just stay with my arms crossed on me chest where I am, looking at her, thinking.

"Emily" Says Hanna as she gets closer to me.

I look at her, she's not crying but she's not happy at all, she's dying inside, I can see it.

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