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Alison's POV

The fact that i told everything about me to Emily just made feel... great. I kept it inside of me for so long, I needed to let it go out. I really trust her, I think she's the only person I've ever trusted that much to tell her everything. The way she looked at me was so... compassionate, I could see that she totally understood me and that she was suffering while I was telling my story. For all that time in the beginning that I thought she didn't have any feeling I was totally wrong. After that big emotive moment I had she realized a new thing to finally end with this, right now we're in our way to Cece's room, where Hanna and she are, supposedly. She walks fast, she wants to end with this as much as I do, we're all tired. We get inside, I'm not sure where Cece's room is, but I know she does, so I just follow her through the corridors. Suddenly she stops, I was so in my thoughts and I don't notice so I hit her back with my face.

"Ouch" I say taking a few steps back, damn, I didn't expect that.

"You okay?" She says laughing.

"Yeah but, why did you stop?" I say getting closer again, but touching my nose, it hurts ugh.

"I just found Hanna" She says pointing at the library corridor.

I walk next to her to see what's she pointing at, Hanna. I see her talking with this guard, the one we usually lie to have fun. I try to hear what they are saying, but... it's weird. Their tone is normal, it doesn't look like he's angry at her or punishing her... then why the hell are they talking?

"This is weird" I say still looking at them.

"I know right" Says Emily behind me.

Suddenly Hanna turns her neck and looks directly at us. She says bye to the guard in a really nice tone I've never seen come out from her and walks to us with a little smile. When she gets here she's still smiling, seriously?

"What was that?" I ask freaking out.

"I just talked with him. He saw me and asked me why we did that to him, the stupid lion thing. And one thing got to another one and we ended having a conversation, he's a little dumb but he's funny and cool" She says.

I can't help but thing about what I'm thinking right now, it's just too obvious but I don't think would do that or... would she? She's Hanna anyways.

"Are you trying to-" Starts Emily, just what I thought about, but Hanna totally cuts her.

"Oh god no, we just talked" She says, but then she smiles again.

I look at her with this face sating "I caught you" and she basically answers me with a face saying "I know" But anyways, is her life she'd do whatever she wants.

"Anyways, where's Cece?" I ask getting a little nervous.

"I was with her ten minutes ago, she told me she wanted to be alone so I left" She explains us.

Wow, it really affected her but I kind of understand, if Emily or Hanna would have to go to the hole because a stupid fight i was involved in, I would go crazy. The funny thing is that was what actually happened to me, and apparently Emily was so bad.

"Let's go and find her, it's important" Says Emily grabbing both of our arms to start walking.

We keep going, faster with every step we take. Finally, after five intense minutes of running through people we get to her room. She looks pretty bad, she's on her bed, looking at the world and not making any move or noise.

"Cece?" Asks Emily with a little worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm here" She says turning to face us.

Her eyes a little red and puffy, I didn't know Aria and her were that close, I feel so bad for her all I want to do now I hug her and tell her everything is gonna e okay, but we have to do this if we really want everything to be okay.

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