Suprise surprise

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Alison's POV

We just left, we saw Mona making the sign. We're walking through the corridors, there are still people here and not at the party.

"Okay, pairs" Says Aria stopping.

We all stop and I open the paper Mona gave us. I look at them, they are looking at the paper.

"Okay Aria and me we'll go to her room, you guys go to the office" Says Cece organizing everything.

"Great, you get the paper" Says Aria already starting to walk away from us.

"Be careful" I say as the walk away.

"Same" I hear Cece say.

I look at Hanna, I'm really nervous. She takes the paper from my hands and stares at it, she knows this place better than I do.

"Okay I already know where it is, c'mon" She says giving me the paper again.

I hide it on my boot and I follow her. I kind of know where we are going. We walk fast, in every moment they could leave the party room and come here or just around.

"What about the camera guard?" I ask suddenly realizing about it.

"It's Caleb, and he's at the party, don't worry" She says not stopping, well, that's good.

We're almost there, the corridor is kind of dark. We just passed through the fat officer's office, the one who has the drugs we steal.

"Wait, what about the key?" I ask when we get to the door, whispering.

"It's not a personal office, they share it, that means it doesn't have a lock like the other one" She explains me, they probably already knew it, that's why no one asked.

She slowly opens the door, it's totally dark inside. She turns the lights on and we walk in. I close the door behind me, I literally feel my heart beating on my head, I'm so nervous. We look around, there are two big desks, next to each other at the end of the room. There is a table with three chairs and two bags on the floor.

"Let's go, we have to be fast" She says going to one of the desks, but, the desks are too easy...

I go to the floor to one of the bags. It's big, when I open it I find some clothes, shoes, two books and keys, from a car.

"Clear here" I hear Hanna say as she moves to the other one.

"Same here" I say going to the other bag, this one looks smaller.

I open it and there are the same, clothes, keys and shoes. I keep touching inside, and I notice something weird. I grab it, it's a phone. I turn it on, it doesn't have a password, great. There are only three things on this phone, messages, calls and camera. I open the calls, but it's clear. I go to the messages, there's this chat group with another three numbers. I press on the conversation, but it has been deleted, fuck. I go to the pictures, by my surprise there are pictures. I press on the album, and my body stops. There are all pictures of us here in prison, from all the girls and also from Mona.

"What the fuck" I say all loud as I pass the images.

"What did you find?" Asks Hanna already walking to me.

"Look" I say showing her the phone.

She looks at it with her mouth open as she passes the pictures.

"Holy shit, they have fucking pictures of us" She says freaking out, just like me.

"I know, and look" I say going to the weird text group I saw before.

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