Filthy games

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Alison's POV

"That's not mine!" I basically yell at the guards, but they keep saying it's mine.

"How did you get it?" They ask annoyed, it's not mine ugh.

"I already said it, it's not mine" I repeat, but it seems like they are not gonna believe me.

"Tell us how did you get it or you'll have to face Fitz" One of them says angry, like if I was afraid of him, I'm already in jail, they can't do anything worse than this.

I stop to think, they are not gonna believe me because for them I'm a filthy criminal, it's smarter from myself if I lie to them and they forget about this, but I won't forget it.

"Okay it's mine" I say trying not to get caught.

"How did you get it?" They ask getting closer.

I don't have an excuse, I can't say I get it in here because that would be like if I was telling them that everyone can gets these things in here.

"I'm new, I've been here for like two weeks, I got in here with it" I say trying to look calmed.

"How did you keep it after the inspection they do when you get here?" He says raisin his eyebrows, he just caught me, or not...

"I hid it, sure you wanna know?" I say smirking, making for sure he won't ask.

"Ugh, gross, you have one note for this" He says walking away.

The other guard looks at me with a weird face and follows the other one, god that was so awkward. Now I'm alone in here, I have no idea how could that clock end up here, Hanna always has it with her... unless it wasn't Hanna. Fuck that bitch, it was Jenna for sure, I really bothered her with those comments. Suddenly I hear some steps walking in, I turn scared in case it was Jenna or Hanna, but it's just Fields.

"What happened?" She asks confused.

I sit on my bed and look at her, she looks really worried...

"Someone hid a clock on my bed, and now I have another note, yay" I say with sarcasm.

"Who could do that?" She says getting closer and sitting next to me.

"It was Hanna's... but I'm sure it wasn't her, it was probably Jenna" I say hiding my face with my hands making a desperate noise, she's gonna be a real trouble.

"That bitch has always been like that" Says Fields in an angry tone.

I look up to see her, she's looking at the ground, I'm still freaking out that she came to my table to eat with me.

"Aren't you gonna finish the meal?" I ask her.

I hope she says no, she's the only one I have right now. Not even Hanna anymore, she totally betrayed me, if she knows about this.

"Nah, I wasn't hungry" She says getting comfortable on my bed.

A week ago I never thought I would end up with her as my only friend in here... this place is so weird.

"What did you tell the guard?" She asks with a curious look.

I let out a little laugh when I remember the story I made up, it was so stupid. But I still don't know how he believed it.

"What's so funny?" She says with a little smile too, which I can't stop looking at, it's so beautiful.

"I told this guy that the clock was mine, that I get it from my house, because when I got in here I hid it and no one found out" I say with a little smirk.

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