The last plan

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Alison's POV

It's been three weeks, three weeks since i found a way to be together with Emily again. Everything has been a mess, but a good one. Cyrus called me the next day in the morning, actually, the phone woke me up. We talked for almost one hour, i had to go to his house to talk in person. It wasn't only him, i also got to know his team. A guy named Lorenzo and a girl called Kate. The three of them are cool, Lorenzo is the one that is gonna help from outside, woth the computer. He's like Mona but so much taller. I told her everything i knew about the prison system and everything and he found a way to connect it to his computer, just like Mona did. Kate is just gonna help us to get inside, and Cyrus and me are the ones that are gonna go inside. Right now we're in my house, looking again at the plan, for the fourth time in the afternoon. We're gonna do it tomorrow.

"So guys, one last time" Says Cyrus walking from on side of my apartment to another. "We go there, as Kate distracts the guard in the principal door Alison and i get inside with the keys we already have. We get the uniforms. As we look for the girl, Lorenzo changes her file to put that she can go, and also changes the picture and the name. We go with the girl to the parking, where Kate is with a car and we get out" He says nervous.

"Yes Cyrus, is that" Says Kate kind of annoyed, she's not really a calmed person.

"Jusr one more thing" He says stopping, raising his finger. "Day or night?"

They a stay quiet and look at me... we didn't think about this. I don't know when it could be better... not during the night, that's for sure, because we can't go out in the middle of the night. But also during the day someone would probably recognize me...

"Not during the night, but also not during the day" I say. It sounds stupid but it's the truth.

"What the fuck Alison" Says Kate laughing.

"Shut up, i'm trying to think" I say laughing too.

I don't know when could be a good time, during lunch? Dinner?... wait.

"Right before they go to sleep" I say, i have everything on my mind. "There are thirty minutes between dinner and bed time"

"Thirty minutes?!" Says Lorenzo, well, screams.

"We could do it" Says Cyrus, on my defense

"It has to be fast anyways" I say standing up too, next to Cyrus "Also a lot of guards go home at that time, it would be even less suspicious" I keeo explaining them.

"Okay" Says Kate "But we have to be fast, how are we gonna find her? That place is huge" She adds.

I walk to one of the sides, we have full maps of every floor of the prison. I get them and i put them on the floor. I get a red market and i just think.

"At that time she could be here" I say making a circle around the bathroom "Or here" I say doing the same around our room.

"But..." Says Lorenzo looking looking at it "That's the room's corridor, i bet everyone can recognize your face in there" He says looking at me.

That's totally right, my roommates would recognize me or just every girl around the bathroom.

"Isn't there a way to contact with her?" Asks Cyrus, next to me.

Actually it is, i could call her or visit her...

"I go there for a visit or call her" I answer him.

"Then you could tell her to meet us somewhere, with no people around" He says, excited, about his idea.

"T-that could work" I say feeling so nervous just by thinking about it.

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