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Alison's POV

I walk into the car, they shut the door hard and the noise it makes scares me. I can't see, my hair is on my face, but I can't take it off, these handcuffs the put on me leaving my hands on my back doesn't let me move. I look up and see the two men getting in the front part, they are about to start driving. I can barely hear their voices, I don't understand what they're saying, they are whispering. I take a deep breath and I move my head to take off my hair, now I can see. The handcuffs hurt, I'm pretty sure they are going to leave marks or bruises on my wrists. They stop talking and the driver turns on the car. We start to move, I move my head and I look through the window, it's late, it's getting dark and the red and blue lights from the police car are lighting the street. I can see people outside walking, running, kids playing, people walking their dogs and moms with their babies. I look at my feet, at least I don't have handcuffs on my feet, but I know they'll put ones soon. I close my eyes and I refuse to look outside again, I don't want to see them happy, that was what I had, and I screwed everything. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have trusted them. When I think about it I get some fast flashbacks on my mind, they are not totally clear, but I can recognize the faces, those cowards. I start to think about my life before all this shit happened, I had a family, I was happy with my parents and my brother. I had friends, I had the perfect life, how did I end like this? I feel the car stopping, I don't know for how long we have been in the road, but I lost all my chances to don't end up here. I open my eyes and I see them getting out from the car. One of them, the driver, opens my door and stays there looking at me.

"Stand up Dilaurentis" He says in a rude tone.

But I can't do anything but obey and do what he says. I get out from the car and I look around, I shouldn't be here. Both of them grab my arms and they start to walk, I have no choice but follow them. "Rosewood Prison" I read when we walk inside. I see more guards and cops around, they start to follow us. We walk into a little room, they stop grabbing me from my arms and take off my handcuffs. I touch my writs in pain, like I thought, I have some bruises.

"This is what you have to wear" Says a guard giving me the orange suit.

I wait a few seconds to see if they were going to leave, but obviously they are not going to leave me alone. All I want to do now is cry, but I've already cried a lot, plus I don't want them to think I'm weak. I take off my actual clothes and I put on the other ones. It's big for me, and it's not warm at all. Winter is close, I hope they'll give me something more than this or I'll die in here before I get out. They take my clothes and put them inside of a box.

"Arms up" The girl says as I get closer.

I do what she says, I want to get out from here as soon as I can. If I obey and don't get in trouble everything will be okay. She takes off my necklace and some rings I had on my fingers. They also take off my bracelets and give me shoes. One of them comes with a camera and takes some pictures of me. Once I'm ready they put on the handcuffs on my wrists again and also on my ankles, like I thought before. One of them walks out leaving the door open to let me walk away, they grab me again and we walk out. As we walk through the corridors I see less people, 'till we get to a big door of bars with a big lock. One of the guars unlocks it and we walk inside. I hear people talking, girls, all girl voices. I start to see people, wearing the same suit I'm wearing, this horrible orange thing I never thought I would wear in my life. One thing surprises me, they are not locked like i thought, they are free inside here. Some of them are talking, other are doing something in the tables... this is not how I thought it would be, honestly I thought it would be worse. We walk inside of a dark corridor, all I see are people behind bars... I guess they are punished or they don't have the behave to be out there like the others. I thought they were going to put me inside of one but instead of that we keep walking 'till we get to a normal door. They cop who is carrying me knocks the door and then opens it. We walk in, there's a guy on a computer, i look around and by this room I guess he's the one who runs this place. He looks at us and points at the chair, there's only one. I sit there and the cops stay behind me, this guy looks at some papers on his desk and then looks at me again.

"Alison Dilaurentis right?" He says with a deep voice. I move my head saying yes "I'm Ezra Fitz, the boss of this place" He says with a serious face.

He looks at me, I think he's waiting for me to say something but it's just... nothing comes out from my mouth right now.

"Okay, we have some rules here. First of all, you're new, you have to be a few days in observation which means you'll sleep behind the bars in this corridor and you won't be able to interact with the inmates that are free. Two, like you imagine, we don't allow any type of drugs, weapons or dangerous objects, if any of our guards catches you with something you'll be more screwed than you are. And the last one, if we allow you to be out with the others, don't get or make any trouble" He says serious. I'm not dumb, I know what I can do and what I can't.

I stay quiet, thinking about this place, how it's going to be. I hear his words on my head, I have a question.

"What would happen if do something against those rules? Like have a knife or something" I say with a broken voice, not because I'm sad, because I'm tired.

"You'll go to the "Special spot"" He says as he stands up.

I don't know what that really means or where it is, but by his tone I guess is something bad and I should try not to break the rules. He stops next to me and look down to face me.

"Welcome to prison" He says, and with that he comes out from the room.

They make me stand up again and we start to walk to the corridor. I look at some girls who are behind the bars too and I see them staring at me. Honestly they are scary, most of them have bad faces and they are full of tattoos and some scars. We stop in front of an empty one, they unlock the door and make me walk in. Once I'm inside they take off all the handcuffs and then lock me there. I look around this little space, there's a small bed, a toilet and a little counter. I don't know what to do, I don't have anything to do. I go to the bed and lie there. I look at the wall, so empty and sad, this place is kind of depressing. I hear some of them talking, they are talking about when they are going to get out. I hear one of them saying she has to be here for 20 more years... that's a torture, I'm glad I only have to be here for 5, or less if the trial goes good. They told me that if everything goes okay I would only have to stay here for one year, or a year and a half, and for what I've seen this past 20 minutes that would be awesome, one year is not too much. I still don't know how is this going to be, I didn't have to chance to know how the people are in here, but I don't expect anything good. That scares me because I'm such a shy person, I usually don't interact too much with people and I do what they tell me to do because I'm afraid, and that's the reason I ended here. Two weeks ago when they arrested me I thought everything was going to be okay, but obviously it's not. I feel my eyes tearing up, but I don't want to cry more. I keep the tears inside and I turn to hide my face on the pillow. I hear his voice on my head over and over again "Welcome to prison".


So guys here is the new one, i hope you'll like it. This is the first chapter, let me know what you think about this idea !!

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