Need some time

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Emily's POV

The fact that she just came here next to me and hugged me just changed everything. It was like if she forgot everything and just did what she wanted to do. I hugged her back, i needed her and i couldn't reject the opportunity. I already stopped crying, i couldn't help it when she hugged me, all the emotions inside just came out from me as tears. We're still in that position, with my head on her shoulder and her head on mine, with out arms interwined and just... so close to each other. Aria finally stopped crying, Hanna is still calming her. Honestly i'm so worried about Cece but i feel so good right now. I missed her warm hugs, feeling her arms around me, her beautiful blonde her, her blue eyes... she's perfect for me. I know the Cece thing is so important right now but i can't stay like this, we need to talk. I turn my face to look at her, she's staring at the wall with a lost look. I open my mouth to talk, but right when the word ar about to get out from my mouth the door opens again. We all look there, the doctor walks out and closes the door behind him. I'm afraid to ask, but i need to know, we need to know.

"How is she?" I ask sk nervous.

I feel Alison's hand grabbing my arm harder, on tension, scared about the answer.

"She's fine, she's stable and asleep" He says with a relief voice.

Oh god, i can breathe normal again, my heart can stop beating so hard, she's fine.

"But we still don't know the reason of it, we don't know what made her puke all that blood all of a sudden. But we took some blood from her arm and we sent it to the hospital, if there was something weird or wrong they'll tell us" He explains us. Honestly i don't know what could it be.

Like, everyone ate the cookie. She ate two, maybe it's because of that i don't know. I hope the blood test will tell us what happened.

"When are you gonna the results of the blood thing?" Asks Hanna with a calmed voice.

"Probably in a few hours, between two and four. I'll let you the results the moment i get them" He says adding a littl smile.

This guy is actually so nice. He cares about us, about Cece. She didn't call us inmates, he called us girls, that's a huge thing in here. He didn't treat us like if we were miserable like the other guard and Fitz do, he was kind.

"Thank you so much" I say to him, he deserved it, he's the only good person that works in here. Including Hanna's friend, Caleb, he's a gppd guy too.

I'm so glad there are still people like them in this place, they are necessary or this would be more horrible than it already is.

"You don't need to thank me" He says with another smile "If you could stay here would be perfect, i'd be easier because i wouldn't have to find you all over this place to inform you about what happened" He says opening the door again.

I turn head to see if i can see something about Cece, and i do. I see her on one of the beds with machines connected to her. She's sleeping like the doctor said. She still looks pale, but a little better.

"We'll stay here, thank you" Says Aria already calmed.

"Okay" He says and with that he disappears walking into that room again.

"I don't know about you, but i don't mind staying here for hours, i'm gonna do it" Says Hanna still next to Aria.

"Same" Says Alison still grabbing my arms.

"Okay, we're all gonna stay here" I say calmed too. I look at Aria and she nodds, she's agreed.

Between two or four hours. I think i only need one to talk with Alison, even less than one hour. I need to do it, i need to takthe strength i took before to turn my head and talk to her, ask her if we can go somewhere private for a moment. "You have to do it Emily, if you don't do it you re never gonna get her back" I think for myself. Okay, one, two, three.

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