Our turn

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Emily's POV

I never saw her as angry she is right now. You can see her eyes almost popping out from her face when she screams, like she's doing right now. The doctor has that needle on his hand, probably with something that will calm her inside, but she needs to control herself.

"Okay Cece pleasee calm down" I say interrupting her insults about Spencer.

"I can't stay calm, she made me threw up blood, fucking blood" She says so angry.

I understand she's mad, but screaming and insulting Spencer with words i didn't even heard before is not going to help.

"We understand, but try to calm, seriously" Says Aria, a little bit exhausted.

Cece looks at her with a serious face and then nodds, still up. She should go to the bed again, or at least sit. The doctor looks at us with a thankful face, i see him putting the needle on the table and then walking to Cece.

"It's better for you if you rest on the bed" He says with a calmed voice, like all doctors.

"But i feel good" Says Cece to him, still with an angry voice "When i'm gonna be able to get out of here?" She adds.

"If you don't rest and calm you'll say here for more time, believe me" Says Alison getting a few steps to her.

"Listen to your friends" Says the doctor. He's nice, a good person.

Cece looks now at all off us with an annoyed face and sits on the bed. I looks arounds, the two other ones are not hee today, i wonder where are they.

"Okay, i'm on the bed" She says annoyed and raising her arms "When i'm gonna get out?" She asks again.

The doctor looks at his notebook, concentrated, and then looks at Cece "Tomorrow, you have to stay here tonight in case your stomach is still hurt, but if everything is okay you'll be out tomorrow by this time" He says adding a little smile at the end.

"Oh god" Says Cece so low, probably thinking no one would hear her, but i think we all did.

"C'mon it's not that bad, he'll get you food and give it yo you while you're on the bed" Says Aria making a smirk. She knows her and knows how her brain works, genius Aria.

I can see Cece smiling for herself, she liked the idea Aria gave her. Well, she won't a problem anymore. I look at Alison, she looks so beautiful today...

"Hey, earth to Fields" I hear a voice say.

I look around and i see Hanna looking at me, she was the one who said it. I shake a little my head and i turn to be in front of her.

"Y-yeah?" I say still a little bit on my dreams.

"Did you go to breakfast? We went to your room but you weren't there" She asks me, in a weird tone.

I instantly look at Alison, but she's already looking at me with the same face. I wouldn't mind to tell them, the problem is the doctor, he's right there looking at us, hearing all this conversation and i don't know if he would tell Fitz about this... Alison makes a little a smile and then she looks at the others.

"N-no but we woke up so fast to go to the shower" She says trying to lie, but she's so bad at it.

I can see her hands sweating, that nervous smile and just her tone when she said it. She's so cute, i can't help but let out a little laugh, it's so obvious that she lied.

"Yeah, sure" Says Hanna laughing like me, she knows she lied.

"Okay, i tried" Says Alison laughing and coming closer to me.

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