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Alison's POV

I don't even know what's going on, i don't even know in what day i live. It's been a few days since Emily came back, i don't want to accept this but i think she's hiding something from me. I also have to recognize that I can't walk through this place without having a panic attack every time I feel someone behind me. The cuts and the bruises are healing, I can barely see the bruises and the cuts that weren't too deep are basically gone. I still don't know what are we gonna do, these four have been gone for a few days, I haven't seen them since Emily came back. I don't know if it's because of the fact that she's back or because they planning something again. Anyway, we still don't know anything about the computer. Emily and Mona told us what happened, they said that the computer is not connected to the prison line so it's impossible to find it with Mona's computer, so basically we have nothing to fight them. All I'm doing it's trying not to separate from Emily and wait for the lawyer to come again, it's been almost a week, or maybe a whole week and I still don't have more information about the trial and everything. Right know I'm having this moment of peace that sometimes happens. I'm alone on my bed just resting, the others are around but I feel save, so close my eyes and I rest. All I see in my mind are memories, good ones. When I was a kid, little kid, or even here, those two wonderful weeks we spent just having fun. But then I open my eyes again and all the bad things that are happening now come back, all the good things disappear and all I see is pain and suffering. This situation is shit, but honestly I'm so glad Emily had us in that moment, I don't want to imagine what could have happened if she was all alone like she was before. Hanna is with Aria just talking and Cece with Emily taking too. I don't feel bad for being alone right now, I like to see them distracted from all this things. I get my note book, it's been a really, really long time since the last time I wrote something, I miss it. I get the pen that's always there and I get a free page, I need to express what I feel right now and this is the best way to do it.

"How should I feel? I don't even know what to do, or think. All I can look forward to is keep her safe. I don't want anyone of them suffer what I had to ever again, and I don't want Emily to find out how it feels. Everything would be so perfect if we would be out of this place...

There's not a moment where I look at her and I think what a happy life we would have together out of this prison, how amazing everything would be if we weren't locked here, if we were free."

This kind of things are always on my mind, I love to think about them but it also feels so good to let those thoughts get out from my mind, leaving it free and calmed. That's what I get by writing, by expressing what I feel on the white paper. I close it and I hide it, I don't want anyone to read what I just wrote... I know it's not big deal, but I don't like people to see what I read, I don't like people to see what's inside of my head exposed in that way. I can feel the cold, we're already in the middle of November and it's freezing. This whole prison is made of stone and metal, everything is cold, everyone is cold.

"You guys, we need to do something with some action or we'll die frozen here" Complains Hanna as she stands up.

I don't feel like doing anything, I don't know if the other want to but I just want keep resting on my bed and forget about everything.

"C'mon! don't look at me with that face, I know you're freezing too I can see your red nose" She says desperate.

I'm not gonna move, if the others want to do something perfect for them, I'm not gonna move, I'm not gonna even talk, I'm too good right to break this peace I have inside.

"Can we take a shower? I'm freezing" Says Cece, standing up next to Hanna.

"Yes!" Says Hanna already grabbing her arm to walk away.

It's almost 3pm, we just ate I don't know what weird feeling inside of them makes them want to take a shower right now. I see Aria standing up too.

"Wait! I need warm water or m y hands won't move ever again" She says following them.

Suddenly there's this awkward silence in the room, between Emily and me. She stands up and sits next to me on the bed.

"It's freezing" She says putting the sheets on us.

I cover my hands behind the sheets and close my eyes again. I'm just so tired...

"Comer here" She says opening her arms for me.

I go with her and I rest my head on her chest. I don't know why I don't feel better now, I still have the feeling that she's keeping something away from me, and it's not that I'm mad her because of it it's just... I thought she trusted me or that she counted with me in this situation.

"Are you okay?" She asks me in a weird tone, so weird.

"Yeah, I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well last night" I lie, such a big lie because I actually had a great night.

"Then sleep, I'll be here when you wake up" She says grabbing my hand behind the sheets.

I just close my eyes and really try to rest, but it's impossible. I feel her so close to me and I know that I usually like that, I love that but right now I feel uncomfortable, I know she's lying to mw in something and it makes me feel so bad. But I don't have to fight right now, so I'm just gonna pretend I'm actually sleeping or something.

Emily's POV

Something is weird with Alison, she's acting so weird, mostly with me. When I'm around she changes her face, like a few minutes ago. We we're all talking and she was alone on her bed writing something on her book. I'm not gonna look at it, I know it's an important thing for her and that she likes it to be totally private. I close my eyes too, like she did and I try to rest. I would like to have a shower but I preferred to stay with her plus I didn't want her to be totally alone. I'm still waiting for one of those assholes to appear around, i already have a plan and it's gonna work. We've been here for more than twenty minutes, my eyes are really starting to close and I'm about to fall asleep, but I hear a noise on the door. I instantly open my eyes and I find a guard on the door.

"What you guys doing?" He asks with a weird face.

"Really? We're just fucking freezing, we only have one blanket" I say defending our relationship.

I don't know if the guards know we're an actual couple, if they don't or if they just think we're friends with benefits or something like that. Anyway, why is this guy here?

"Whatever, Dilaurentis, you have a visit" Says the guards.

I look at her, she's not with her eyes closed anymore, she's with her eyes wide open and with a terrified face I rarely see on her.

"O-okay" She says taking away the sheets ad walking to the guards.

She just walks away, not even turning to look at me. I don't know what's wrong with her but I'm gonna fix it, like I'm gonna fix all this shit to be happy again, with her, with everyone. In less than a minute I find myself alone, in silence, just hearing how hard it's raining outside and with the cold going up my body from my feet. I'm gonna stay here alone 'till she comes back, I don't want to disappear and make her go crazy again looking for me, I'm not gonna make that stupid mistake ever again, I was so selfish. I just stay there looking up, around, seeing how times keeps passing and I'm just here. I look at the door and I see a girl pass, so fast. I don't know if what I saw was real, but I'm sure it looked like Spencer. I don't know if I'm going crazy, if it was my imagination or if it was really her. I stand up without thinking it twice and look out, I was right, there she is, walking to the end of the corridor. I take one second to think, if I stay... Alison would come back and everything would be okay. If I follow her... Alison would come back but no find me, the other would get worried, but I would have a chance to end with this for good, or at least discover something, like the fucking computer. I can't help it, I slowly walk out and I walk behind her 'till I get to a normal distance, close but not enough for her to notice I'm following her.

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