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Alison's POV

I couldn't believe she was already back when i saw her walking into the room. All that I could do in that moment was run there and hug her, feel her with me again, that was all I needed. Feel her strong arms wrapping me, her lips kissing my forehead... I felt save again. Then she saw all the things that they did to me, I could see in her face fear... but also anger. I'm already up, it's early and everyone is still sleeping. She's sleeping next to me, still with her arms around me. She didn't let me go during the whole night, thing I'm so glad about, I finally had a good night after these crazy past days. Waking up with her by my side it's the best thing in this world. I saw her hands yesterday, but I didn't want to ask yet. She had bruises and blood, I don't know what happened during those three days but nothing good. I want to ask her and help her, but I think right now it's not the best moment to do it, with all this mess all I'd get will be her being depressed again and just feeling horrible. I don't know what time is it, but I'm so calmed right now, with this peaceful silence and her next to me. She moves, her arms are still around me but now her head is on my shoulder. I rest mine on her and I close my eyes again, I don't want to go to sleep again, I just want to enjoy this little moment. All of a sudden the lights go on. I don't know for how long I was up just hugging her but it looked like it were hours, I loved. I see her slowly opening her eyes and rubbing them.

"Good morning" I say with a smile on my face, I missed her so much.

"Good morning beautiful" She says with a little smile when she sees mine.

I lean in and I kiss her, slowly. I pull away, still with the same smile on my face and I stay looking at her.

"Does it hurt?" She asks me caressing my cheek, so carefully.

"No" I say grabbing that hand and still making a smile.

It's amazing the effect someone can have on you. During these past days I woke up shaking and nervous, my head hurt and all I wanted to do was hide and cry. But she came back and I'm happy to wake up, I'm happy to start a new day. I know it's still dangerous, because they are still out there, but I just realized that I was more worried about her than myself and now that she's here everything is better.

"Did you sleep well?" She asks me.

"Yeah, you?" I ask her. How couldn't i? sleeping with her is one of my favorite things in this world.

"Everything is good when I'm with you" She answers me.

Honestly I couldn't help but smile like a fool, I missed that kind of little cute and romantic comments she says to make me smile.

"I'd love to stay here the whole day" I say getting closer and resting my forehead on hers.

"That'd be perfect" She says with a little laugh. "But we need to eat, it's necessary" She says moving and sitting on the bed "I promise you we'll have a calmed day, just resting and spending every second of it together" She says putting her hair on a ponytail.

"I love you" I say sitting on the bed next to her and hugging her again.

She hugs me back and then we go the bathroom. A shower always is good, plus I need to clean my cuts , I don't want them to get infected with this shitty suits we wear during the whole day. Emily get in the shower next to the one I walked in. I try to hide all the cuts that I have, I don't want other girls to see them or even Emily. I let the water go down my body, I feel it burning all over my cuts but I don't mind, it's the best. I look down, my body really looks awful with all these bruises and wounds. I stop looking at it and I look at Emily, she's staring at them with the same face she had yesterday when she first saw it. I turn and I keep showering, I don't want her to feel bad about it. Once we finish we both go to the room again to leave there our bathroom things. I was about to walk out but she grabs me from my hand, pulling me closer to her. I know what she's gonna talk about.

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