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Alison's POV

"Inmate, your time in here is over, let's go" Suddenly i hear a voice say.

I open my eyes, I'm already used to the grey walls. I look up, there's a guard waiting for me right in front of the door. I have to stand up, but I'm so tired. Anyway, I take all the strength I have and I move my legs. I walk to him, and when I walk out of this little room that has been my place for three days a light hits me on my eyes. I'm not use to this light. I know it's been only three days, but for me it felt like a whole month. When you don't a have a clock or any way to know what time it is, or even what day it is you seriously start to lose your mind. There was so much silence in there, the only thing I could hear were my thoughts... I open my eyes again not caring about how it hurts because of the light, I follow the guard, I want to get out of here as soon as it's possible. Also I didn't take a shower during these three days, it's just... there wasn't a shower in my cell. I think there are only showers in the ones that are assigned for girls who have to stay there for more time, not just three days. I keep following him downstairs, I don't know where are we going but all I know is that they have to let me get out of here.

"This one is over with the punishment" Says the guard pointing at me.

"Dilaurentis right?" Asks another guard with a computer, probably he's the one who organizes all this torture thing.

"Yeah" Says the guard that is next to me.

We were about to leave, but the guard stops us by saying the other's guard name, I dind't recognize him.

"Oh, by the way. She had a visit from her family yesterday, she obviously coulnd't go but they said they'll be here again today" He says, just great.

Perfect, now I have to face them, this is so great, it's gonna be an mazing day.

"You heard that?" Asks the guards, like if I was stupid.

"All clear" I say with an annoyed tone.

They both look at me with a bad face and we keep walking. I don't even know what time is it, I don't remember getting breakfast, but also I don't remember eating dinner so I have no idea. We finally walk out from that black hole, I'm so glad to be out. The guard stops, and I have no choice but wait with him.

"It's already visit time, it's a little bit earlier on Sundays" He starts. Well, now I know it's Sunday "You should go" He adds.

"I guess I have to" I say more annoyed.

I just got out, the last thing I want to do now is see my family. All I want to do is see my friends and my girlfriend, and just be with them like if nothing of this happened. Actually I'm more worried about Emily, I've been thinking a lot about her... well, about everything. So instead of go to my room or the bathroom the guard guides me to the visit place. I already knew were was it, I don't know why he came with me. While I was walking to get here I was wishing Emily would come out from somewhere and hug me, but I didn't see her. I get in the little room to wait and all i can see is all the girls in there staring directly at me. I look at them, i put bad face and all of them look away... I don't even know how do i look, so i just put my hair in a messy ponytail and i sit to wait. I still can notice some of them looking at me, this is annoying.

"Is it true?" Suddenly says a girl next to me.

I look at her, i don't recognize her...

"Who are you?" I ask her.

She's tall, brunette and she looks so... different from the people in here, it's weird.

"I'm Melissa" She says with a bright smile.

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