How could this happen

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Emily's POV

I hear someone coughing, it's the only thing sounding in this empty and cold room. I head hurts, so much. I try to open my eyes, but I hurts too. I heat that cough again, it's stressing me because I don't know what's happening. I remember Spencer and Melissa beating us, they won. I start to feel my body again, it's cold, the floor is so cold. Suddenly that cough again, I need to move and see what's happening around me. I open my eyes, not listening to my headache, now it hurts more but I don't care. Everything is blushed, but eh lights are on so I can see some figures. There's someone on the floor right in front of me, I can see the orange from the suit. My hands move, then my arms, I'm slowly going back to life. I can get my face, it's bruised, I can feel it. I rub my eyes, maybe I can see better. But when my hands touch my skin I feel something weird, there's something on my hands. I put them in front of me, trying to see what that sticky thing is. I finally start to see something, I can see my fingers but the light is still so intense. I close my eyes a little and I'm able to see it, it's red. All of the sudden I feel a horrible pain on my stomach. I hear myself screaming a little, but no one reacts, the one that's in front of me is not moving.

"Help" I say, but so low. I tried to scream it but my body just didn't let me.

I look down, trying to see my stomach. It's covered with the suit, but... there's not blood. I thought she cut me, or stab me but no, the suit is not ripped and there's isn't blood there. It still hurts but... where's that blood from?. Anyway, I have to stand up, she hit me so hard and maybe I'm bleeding inside but I can't stay like this. I move my head to see where are the others, but, not for my surprise they are on the floor too. I move my whole body, to the right, I roll a little and I touch something, it's cold. I turn my head and... no. I feel my whole arm with something cold, I look at it, it's more blood, but it's not mine. I start to shake, I can't see who it is, I can't see if she's okay or no, I can't even move. Suddenly she coughs again, she's not dead, oh god. I sit on the floor, breathing so fast. My head is spinning but I can see that body that is next to me. I take all the strength I have and I turn the body...

"Aria!" I scream when I see her face, oh my god "Aria, Aria can you hear me?" I ask shaking her.

But she doesn't move, she's not even opening her eyes or saying something. Suddenly she coughs again... I see blood going out from her mouth.

"Aria!" I scream louder.

I look at her body... oh god. I see her stomach... her suit is not orange anymore, it's all red. I instantly put my hands on there, I can feel the wounds, made by the knife. I also can feel more blood going out from her stomach, that's why my hands where full of blood... I fell right next to her.

"Aria!" I scream, she needs to wake up, we need to call someone.

I look around the room, Hanna I still where she fell when they hit her, still bleeding from her head. Cece is in one corner, unconscious too. I feel my heart beating harder, this is not okay, why would this happen.

"Cece! Hanna!" I scream, but they don't move.

"E-Emily?" Suddenly I hear Aria say, she's awake.

It's weird, she said my first name, but I don't mind, I like to hear it and now she's the important thing. I keep pressing her wounds, maybe I can save her, maybe she can keep living.

"Aria, please, stay with me" I say so nervous, my voice is shaking.

"I-It hurts" She says making a pain face.

I close my eyes, I don't want to cry, I can't cry but... she's suffering, a lot, I can see it on her face and I just can't help it. I feel a tear going down my cheek. I open my eyes again and I look at her, she's looking at me.

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