That surname...

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Alison's POV

She just said what i think she said? She said... that she loves me? I'm in shock, i can't help it. I don't think anyone else in my life said it being more honest that she was. I could see in her eyes how much she meant it. Honestly i'm kind of scared, at first i don't know if i feel the same... but then i think about it. All those feelings that had been growing inside, now i realize what they mean, i'm falling in love with her... I look directly at her eyes, i don't know how many time has passed since she said it, probably just a few seconds, she's still looking at with me so nervous waiting for an answer.

"I love you too" I say all loud.

She grabs my hand, looks at me with a big smile and hugs me. In this moment i realize that i really meant it. I do love this girl, no one ever made me feel like this. I hug her back as i feel a smile growing on my face.

"You know you're the first person that ever said that to me in that way?" I say still in our hug.

"I'm glad to be the first one" She says pulling away.

"I'm glad too, because you really meant it" I say caressing her cheek.

"Of course i did" She says grabbing my hand.

She comes closer and kisses me. We fall on the bed, she's on top.

"I love you" She says again smiling a lot.

"I love you too" I say laughing, i love when she says it.

She smiles again and kisses me again. This totally made this shitty day one of the best ones in my life.

"Do you want to go to the room? The girls are probably wondering where the hell are we" She says still on top of me.

"Yeah" I say low.

"Why are you whispering" She says whispering and laughing at me a little.

"Because i love you" I say whispering.

"That's not even a reason" She says laughing hard.

"Yeah i know, i just wanted to say it" I say kissing her cheek and standing up.

We walk out, she closes the room and we start to walk to the room. I hope the girls are still there. Finally we get there, thanks god, they are here.

"Where the hell have you been? It's been like days" Says Cece from the floor.

"There were just like two hours actually" Says Aria still reading the same book.

"Anyway, Alison" Says Hanna looking at me and standing up. What is she doing? "I talked with Caleb, he told that your visitors always scream, a lot, and so loud" She starts, oh, good to know all the guards know the details of my visits "What the hell do you do there?" She says laughing.

"She punched her brother" Says Emily going up to her bed with a little laugh.

"I did" I say raising my hand, with my still bloody and bruised knuckles.

"What the hell did he do?" Asks Cece laughing.

"He insulted all of you, specially her" I say pointing at Emily.

"They know about her?" Asks Aria laughing, with a surprised face.

"That's another reason that explains the screams" I say laughing and going up next to her.

"You are making them go crazy" Says Emily with a little smirk as i sit next to her.

"Their fault" I say looking at my knuckles, seriously my brother has such a hard jaw.

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