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Alison's POV

I know i didn't start, i know i shouldn't be here right now, but thinking about her in this place broke me and... scared me, I didn't want anyone to suffer, I don't mind taking the fault.

"You know what happens when you do what you're not supposed to do" Says the guard as we walk through a corridor i've never seen before.

It's kind of dark, but in the end I can see a light. Actually I'm kind of curious about this place, it's only going to be for three days, it will be a short time. We finally get to the end, the light hits me making my eyes close, but once I'm use to that light I can see what is that thing they call the hole and now I understand. We're underground, we had to go down a lot of stairs. This place is like a big hole, it's a big circular room with like five floors. In every floor there are like twenty cells or even more, but different from the other I have been before, this are a big metal door with a little door like the cat ones in the bottom, I guess to pass the food. I'm gonna be totally alone and disconnected from the world for three days, I thought it would be different, now I'm not that sure if it would be short and calmed.

"What did this one do?" Asks one of the guards.

It's horrible, in here it's like if we had no rights. They even call us like "That one" It seems like we're not even humans.

"Just for five notes" Says the guard that is with me.

"Okay then, third floor" Says the other guard.

I guess they put the girls in different floors by the thing they did, I can hear some of them screaming and insulting the guards. Maybe they have been there for more than a week... this is not okay. I follow the guard 'till we get to the third floor, a lot of cells aren't free, there are just like four free. We stop in front of one, I guess I have to get in there and just... wait. I walk in, I stay looking at the guard with a bad face, I'm scared, but I don't want them to see it.

"Enjoy our time here" He says closing the door.

I turn, this cell is so small. There's a little bed, a toilet and place to wash my hands, that's all. I sit on the bed, I thought I was going to be capable of stay here without problems, but I'm not that sure about that anymore.

Emily's POV

I can't move, they just took her away, I shouldn't have let that happen, I should go there, not her, I was the one who punched first. Once the whole thing ends everyone goes back to their tables. I go back to mine, no one is talking. I look up for one second, Cece is looking at me with a worried face.

"She'll be okay, don't worry" She says, but I don't want to talk right now.

I stand up and walk away, this is all my fault, like everything that always happens to people who come around me. I go the basement, to my little room. I walk in and the first thing that comes out from me is hit the bed, hard. Then I punch the wall, more than one time, it's all my fault. I've been there, only for three days, but I swear I would never want anyone to go there, not even the people I hate the most in this world, that place is a torture... and now she's there because of me. I'm so stupid, why did I have to punch her? Why do I always do everything without thinking before? Suddenly I start to get flashbacks, of what happened that night in my first month in this place, the night that changed my life in here.

"It's all my fault, all my fault, my fault" I think over and over again as I look at the scene. I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time and I did the wrong thing, why do I always mess up everything? No one can know about this, never. I move my legs and I try to walk away, but I'm shaking and all I get is fall on the cold ground, right above of the mess. I look at my hands when I stand up again, they are red. I get scared, I want to scream for help but no, I can't. I try it again, I move my legs fast, I have to get out of here before someone comes and sees what happened. As I run I see a girl walking to her room I guess, she sees me running and basically breathing so fast.

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