The end?

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Alison's POV

It was crazy. We were there for almost eight hours, i'm so exhausted. Their lawyers were going insane, they could do nothing to prove that the ones in the video weren't them. I didn't have to talk too much, just say a few things that happened that night, and answers questions. According to Lucas we won this part, the others were so messy. It ended a few minutes ago, but we're still in here, waiting for all the people that came to walk away and then we will go. I didn't even eat lunch, it's around 5pm. I feel so good, I feel like this is really working.

"You think it went okay, right?" I ask Lucas again.

"Yes Alison" He says laughing a little "Later they are going to tell us when is going to be the next session. I'll let you know right when I get the e-mail" He says as he puts all his papers on his briefcase.

"Okay" I say kind of nervous.

I don't know if the next one is going to be the last one or if there's going to be more. I look around, all the people it's almost out, we can go now. I stand up, I see Lucas doing the same. The two guards come behind me and grab me. I'm already used to the handcuffs so they are not a problem anymore, it feel like they aren't there. I turn just to find Noel looking at me, with a bad face. Behind him it's Shana, looking more sad and worried than angry, like Noel.

"Good job Alison, good job" He says, using that irony that makes him even more annoying.

"Apparently I did better than you" I answer him, not taking away my look from him.

He looks kind of shocked, I never answered him in that way. His lawyer makes him start to walk so he goes away. Right now I'm facing Shana, but she doesn't even dare to look at me, she's looking down, at the floor. She walks away not rising up her head. The others walked away before Noel so I'm the last one here. I look down at my wrists, maybe I won't have to wear these in less than a week every time I go to the streets. We walk out from this room, there are a lot of cops around, with more people that probably have a trial right now. I see more people with the orange suit, older, younger... They look dangerous, fearless, strong. I wonder if I look like that when other people see me on this suit. We keep walking 'till we're out, I can already see the car that's gonna take me there again. I get inside, in the back part, as always. Lucas goes next to me and gets his phone one second after he closes the door. The car starts to move, I rest my head against the glass and I look outside. I'm dying to be able to take a walk again, just to enjoy the freedom and the feeling of be able to do whatever I want. I can't help but smile at that thought, because it's probably gonna be real. I look at Lucas, he's so concentrated, like always. I'd like to thank him about all the things he did for me. Without him I'd still have to stay there for years. I turn my whole body, to see if with my moves he looks at me or something, but he didn't. I guess I'll have to talk. I'm already opening my mouth when his phone rings, so loud. He gets it, it's a call. I turn my body again to see through the window.

"Yeah... yeah it's okay, I'll tell her right now... yeah she's right next to me" He says.

That totally got my attention, it was probably the judge or the police or I don't know but it's important, I can feel it. I look at him, waiting for him to leave the phone and tell me that thing.

"Okay, thank you" He says, finally leaving the phone and looking at me.

"What is it?" I ask, fast and nervous.

"It was the judge" He says, making this pause that it's killing me "They already set a date for the next session" He says, but... not with a really happy face.

"When?" I ask him, getting even more nervous.

"The day after tomorrow" He says, placing his hand on his mouth.

Locked (Emison)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें