Bitches around

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Emily's POV

It's been already three day since Jenna got out from here. Today Aria is going out, after breakfast and Hanna and Cece already planned something, something I have no idea about because I've been with Ali all the time I could. We're all so much better, the Jenna thing was funny in the beginning but then it went out of control. I just woke up, but the lights are still off, it must be earlier than I thought, but I can't go to sleep again. I can see a little sun light coming from the windows that are at the end of the corridors, even knowing it's October and the winter is almost here... today it's sunny, it's gonna be a good day. I move a little and I notice her, I don't why I didn't notice it she's basically on top of me when I woke up, I'm so used to it... I love it. She's with her head on my chest, one of her arms on my stomach and one leg above mines. I can't help but let about a little laugh, she moves a lot when she's sleeping and she always ends up like this. Right now I could stay like this for... hours, just with her in this weird position on me. But no, the lights turn on just a few seconds after of that thought I had. She hides her face on my chest, I guess the light bothers her. I smile and turn my face, I look at her, still sleeping with her face on me.

"Good morning sleepy head" I say whispering on her ear.

She like, automatically raises her head and trying to open her eyes she makes a little smile.

"Good morning" She says in really sexy morning voice.

Right then she hides her face again on my chest, she's really a sleepy head.

"C'mon, we have to wake up" I say moving her a little.

All she makes is a tired groan, I sit on the bed, making her head fall on the bed. But for my surprise she doesn't say anything, she just stays the way she fell.

"Ali, are you dead?" I ask her laughing and touching her elbow a few times with my finger.

"Yes" She says still with her face smashed to the bed.

"Okay then" I say jumping on her.

"Emily!" She says so loud, but still with the face against the bed so its sounds so funny.

"What?" I ask laughing and kissing her cheek.

"I need air" Is all she says, laughing too.

I'm still on her, I don't want to move. She turns her head finally getting some air. She raises a little her body, but I'm still on her.

"You whale" She says turning her head to look at me, not completely, but a little.

"Said the zombie" I say kissing her again and rolling to get out from her.

"Shut up, I'm tired" She says resting her head again on the bed, I can't believe this.

"You're so lazy oh my god" I say laughing and lying next to her.

"I perfectly know" She answers opening her eyes to look at me.

"We're gonna be late for shower, and breakfast, and even lunch" I say laughing at her.

But before she could answer me, we hear some steps going inside of our room. We look to the door, not a surprise.

"No you're not gonna be late for showers because today you don't have showers" Says Cece pointing at us. What?

"What?" Asks Ali as confused as I am.

"Stand up and we'll tell you" Says Hanna excited, what's going on.

Before I can jump out from my bed Ali already did, what the fuck? Now she stands up?

"Oh wow, you are awake now?" I say as I go down.

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