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Ladybug's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?!" I scolded her, glaring at the woman.

She stood on her feet, not fazed in the slightest at the bodily fluids that covered her.

"Is it not obvious?" Mother questioned before studying the two tunnels, "I am here to help and it seems that I made the correct choice in coming."

I let a growl pass my lips, wanting nothing more than to shove her back where she just came from.

"As bad as it is to think as a hero, I kind of wish it was a dead body instead," I thought.

If this is another attempt to win me back by doing something noble for the hundredth time, she has another thing coming. I am sick of the games she forces me to participate in. Once this is over, I am cutting all my ties with her.

She may be my temporary ally now but she will never again have the right to call us family anymore. Not after everything she did. Those ties were broken years ago and nothing will change that.

"You might want to step back. I did not come alone," mother warned, "I picked him up before I came here."

I barely had time to get out of the way when another person fell. The person coughed before getting to their feet.

"Gabriel Agreste," I said a bit annoyed. What are these two doing here?! They should be helping the others on the outside or (for all I cared) finding shelter from the attack. Instead, they have come to the heart of the fight!

Gabriel let out a noise of disgust. He placed his gun down and tried to get as much saliva off of him as possible.

"This has to be the most disgusting place I have ever been," he grumbled.

"Well, you should not have come here then," Chat retorted, venom laced in his voice. I am glad that I am not the only one who is unhappy about this.

"You may not think it now but you need our help," mother stated, "We will split into teams of two: girls and boys. Ladybug and I will take the left while you boys take the right."

I scoffed. Since when did she just come out of nowhere and declare herself to be the leader, especially in front of me and her own leader?!

As much as I wanted to burst all my outrage onto mother, we did not have time.

   But as much as I hate to admit it, Chat and I needed all the help we could get. An elite magic killer and a magic user on each team would be most effective (even though I would prefer Chat Noir to be my partner instead of mother).

   "Fine," I sneered through clenched teeth.

   Chat Noir ushered me away from mother and Gabriel.

   He glanced over at the former SSS members before asking in a quiet voice, "Are you sure about this? I do not like the thought of leaving you alone with a highly-trained magic assassin...again."

   I glanced over at mother. She and Gabriel were having their own conversation. Mother looked very impatient, foot tapping the floor.

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