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Juleka's P.O.V

I could feel every muscle in my body go ridged, paralyzing me on my spot.

I grew slightly chilly from the blood draining, probably making the shade of my pale skin turn a ghostly shade paler. My stomach churned in nausea. I could only hear white noise fill my ears.

Was this what being petrified in fear was like?

I could quite literally do nothing but stare at the giant creature terrorizing the poor section without mercy. I even watched the heroes run into battle. I truly wish I had their guts and bravery. Then, maybe I would not have wasted so many years wasting away in my hidden haven.

Ladybug was currently helping a man trapped in a tentacle, moving towards one of the monster's mouths. The assassin tossed her sword to Ladybug, who used it. The man was released and fell along with the part of the tentacle he was trapped in. Ladybug rescued him.

Yet, my attention was on the cut-off tentacle lying on the ground. Could I use that to make a tracking potion?

No, that would not track Hawkmoth. It is a part of the creature, therefore tracking it instead of the villain.

There really was nothing I could do to the creature either. Only the witch, who can control the monster, or the miraculous has the power to do anything to it. One of many weird magic rules but still one nonetheless.

I would need some object that belongs to Hawkmoth. Something that he (or she) owns unless someone else takes ownership of said item.

I nearly had a heart attack when Gabriel came into my view. The white noise seemed to clear as he talked.

"...to get out of here, now!" he yelled, pushing me out of the way of some flying debris. This startled me enough to jump and return my ability to move.

I nodded my head in understanding.

The three of us evacuated the premises. Some people bumped into me in their haste to escape. All these less fortunate people have to watch their homes be destroyed again and have no power to stop it. The only thing they can do now is run away.

   What have these civilians ever done to deserve such treatment?

   What would Master Fu think of me running away from protecting his people?

   My run slowed all the way down to a stop. Whoever was running behind me knocked us both down before continuing to speed away. I sat on the ground thoughtfully, tuning out the background noise.

   I glanced over my shoulder at the creature. The heroes were doing everything they could to rescue anyone captured. Vesperia had her power activated and flew right at the enemy only to be smacked away by a tentacle. I heard someone's shout of worry for the bee hero.

   "What are you doing?!"

   My attention was brought to Gabriel, who surprisingly returned for me, "We must flee!"

   I looked down at my hands.

   What am I doing?

   My hands clenched into fists. I steeled my nerves and stood to my feet.

   "No, I must help," I said, looking at the creature for any ideas on how I could help. If Hawkmoth is controlling that creature, it must have some energy source I could use to track the villain.

"You cannot help anyone if you are dead. We need to find a safer area first," Gabriel protested. I shook my head in denial.

"No, you can go find a place to hide but I must be nearby. I may have an idea," I told him.

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