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Marinette's P.O.V

"Your father was truly a kind man," Alya said, helping me fit into a midnight-colored dress.

My father's funeral is today. Many of the servants were sorrowfully organizing the ceremony in the ballroom. The mansion is usually pretty quiet but this complete silence was excruciating. The quiet was loud, every soul crying out but not a peep was heard.

I understand that most of the servants were intimidated by my father but also somewhat respected him. He was kind to them, even Alya knew of it though she probably had only ever seen him thrice.

"That is kind of you to say," I replied, slipping on long, black gloves.

Once Alya was finished with my dress, she wrapped her arms around me. I returned the hug, finding warmth coming from the sweet gesture.

"I speak of such kindness because he too was kind. Just like you are," Alya said, "Do not ever change your goodness, Marinette. This world could use as much as it can get."

"You as well, Alya," I replied.

A knock on the door broke our hug.

"You may enter," I called.

Mother walked through the doorway, wearing a similar dress as mine. A veil curtained her face but I was able to make out the sadness in her eyes. I was confused as to why she was here. We were to meet in the ballroom for the funeral.

I dismissed Alya before returning my attention to my mother.

"I have...been thinking," mother said, unable to cast her gaze away from the floor.

   "That is never a good sign," I thought, wondering what was going through her head. Did I really want to know though?

   Not really.

   "If you would like, you may break your engagement with Lord Couffaine," she said.

   Shocked was an understatement for how I am feeling. I had to hold in the urge to question if this truly was my mother.

   Okay, maybe I do want to listen.

   "A-Are you serious? This is not a test to see if I pass, is it?" I questioned, baffled when she shook her head in disagreement.

   "No, I assure you this is no test. Which, now that I think about it, those were very stupid," mother commented under her breath.

   "Why the change of heart?" I asked.

Once mother had made up her mind about something, she was always for it no matter what others had to say or how dumb it was. It was her way and that was final. She had to always be right. This was the first time I had ever seen her go back on something and change her mind.

Even admitting the tests she gave was stupid left my mouth open in speechlessness.

"I have been nothing but a foolish coward, Marinette. I thought distancing myself from you and treating you harshly would protect you from what happened to me. But now I only see my mother when I look in the mirror."

Mother's voice wavered with emotion, trying desperately hard to keep herself together. I have never seen my mother in this kind of state. It was pretty odd and pitiful.

"I cannot believe it took me this long and the death of my beloved to reflect on my imbecilic wrongdoings. I hate myself for becoming someone I told myself I would never be. I hurt my own daughter. I hurt you."

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