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Ladybug's P.O.V

"Oh no..." I gasped under my breath.

The Akuma was at the hideout. Vesperia and Pegasus were fighting valiantly to hold off the creature. Yet, they seemed to be having a difficult time. I immediately leaped into action and grasped my yoyo.

"Lucky Charm!" I shouted. A red and black-dotted object fell from the sky into my hands.

"Is this...are these..." I trailed off, clutching the hilts and pulled out two short-bladed swords from their scabbard. Even though they were decorated with a ladybug-themed design, I was able to recognize the shape.

   "Are these húdiédāo, also known as butterfly swords!? A short dao or a single-edged sword with a hook extending from the guard, and fitting into a single scabbard. Originally from southern China and made by Shaolin Monks," I squealed in joy.

   I could not help it! These swords were just splendid to look at, let alone, be held in my hands. With the blades being short, they were easier to maneuver and swift through the air. I have never wielded such a sword before. It is much different from the longer blades I have practiced with.

  I was brought out of my joyous haze when something crashed into the hut near me. I jumped away from the sudden scare and was brought back to the reality of the situation we are currently in.

   "There is no time to be an idolizing fool. I have to stay focused. Many lives are in danger right now," I thought.

   I attached the scabbard to my hip. I have to figure out how to defeat this monster once and for all.

   My eyes glazed around the area, searching for the answer needed to win. Flashes of a strategy began thrumming to life in my mind, building a map to our victory.

The Akuma was clever enough to know what our abilities do. It catches Pegasus and throws him while Vesperia is swatted away to not get stung. Even though it was quite a massive creature, it has quick reflexes. It has high senses to detect an attack from behind it and is very tough.

Yet, I believe that I figured out a way to defeat it. It may be clever but it was also as blind as any enraged human. It would not expect something that it was not suspecting.

I was obviously going to need the butterfly swords. I am also going to need Pegasus, Vesperia and Rena Rouge for this to work.

I smirked with confidence and started putting my plan into motion.

Opening my communication option, I alerted the specific three teammates I needed.

"What is the matter? Do you need me? I will be there as fast as I can-"

"Woah woah woah," I eased Rena's restlessness, "Calm down, Rena. I shall explain my plan before you hurt yourself again."

"What is it?" Pegasus asked before Rena could reply.

"Pegasus, I need you to deliver Rena somewhere nearby but a decent place to hide. We do not need her to get overrun by angry civilians or spotted by the Akuma," I explained.

"What would you like me to do?" Vesperia questioned.

"I will notify you once Rena arrives," I assured her.

"Alright, I am activating my location," Rena responded, "Pegasus, would you mind?"

   "It would be my pleasure, madam," Pegasus replied. It took almost five minutes (due to the Akuma distracting Pegasus and it took complete concentration to accumulate a portal to specific areas) but a portal opened near me. I rushed over to the portal to help the limping fox hero and leaned against me for support.

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