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Ladybug's P.O.V

I blocked Chat's attack and followed it with my own. Yet, Chat managed to defend himself from my oncoming attack and tried to knock me off my feet with a swift swipe of his leg.

I leaped in the air, dodging it. I reached out my hand onto his head. I put enough pressure on it to knock him down and complete my flip. Landing on the ground, I quickly spun around and pointed the staff at his back.

I smirked a little, feeling a bit victorious for finally beating Chat. Although, I had a strange feeling that he was going easy on me or he was out of it.

I still wanted to talk with Chat Noir about what happened when he blacked out during the nightmare-hour Akuma incident.

We are currently practicing sword fighting in the training room. Master Fu was the only one present in the building while the others were out working. Chat Noir had some late-night duties to take care of so we decided to move practice to an earlier time at the dojo.

"Very good job, Ladybug," Chat Noir complimented, standing from the ground. I raised an eyebrow at him when he did not meet me in the eye. I will not lie. It bothered me.

   He was about to go get a drink but I stopped him. I blocked his path and handed him the other half of his baton.

   "We need to talk," I said, gently, "I would like to help you but I cannot do so if you will not speak. We are partners, Chat Noir. Will you please talk to me?"

Chat Noir had a grimace pulled on his face before letting out a sigh. He leaned his head down and rested his forehead on my shoulder. I was not expecting this and prayed to the lord above that his super hearing could not detect my racing heartbeat. I felt heat rise into my face.

I slowly reached up and placed my hand on the back of his head. Chat flinched for a moment causing me to pull back a little. He did eventually relax and I returned my hand to his head.

"I know..." Chat trailed off, "...it is just difficult to talk about. It actually has almost been a year since the..."incident."

   I knew exactly what the "incident" was.

   The loss of the former Ladybug.

   I had a feeling that the last shadow creature we fought within the Akuma house had triggered one of Chat's bad memories. Yet, I was not quite positive about what it was until now.

   "You and the others must be having a tough time with the date approaching," I said, feeling remorseful for Chat and the rest of the team. I could not imagine losing such a dear member. They must have all been through many trials together with Ladybug, especially Chat Noir.

  Chat hummed in agreement.

   "Maybe...this is not such a good time to talk about it," I thought. With how down Chat Noir is, it would be best to schedule their talk for another time.

"If you ever need a shoulder to lean on like this..." I began, talking about what was happening at this moment, "...I will gladly lend it to you."

I could not help myself and draw closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his abdomen and leaned my head on his shoulder. Chat Noir was surprised by the sudden affection but it did not take long for him to return the embrace.

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