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Chat Noir's P.O.V

   After Rena Rouge followed Ladybug, Carapace turned toward me with a look of disappointment.

   "What?" I questioned, grumpily. What did I do this time to deserve such a response? How is this my fault once again? Whoever is in that ladybug suit has no clue how to lead a team. She is like an understudy, who knows not anything about the role she auditioned for. Sure, she may have had a lucky break the first time but she is not ready.

   She is nothing like the actual Ladybug.

   Carapace's face only hardened yet, not a word left his mouth. He shook his head and sighed, seeming tired of a game he didn't want to play.

   "What?" I repeated, annoyed with his mood.

   "You need to stop this attitude. We are all sick and tired of it," the turtle hero finally spoke, "You need to learn to let go, Chat Noir. No matter how much you are grumpy, insult our new team member, or flat out be cruel, she is not coming back!"

   I growled, getting closer to Carapace and standing definitely in his space.

   "And what do you know?" I hissed, "You were not her partner since the beginning!"

   "I may not have had as much history as you and the original Ladybug but she was still a close friend of mine as well. I failed in protecting her just as much as you did," he growled back.

   "What are you even talking about? You were not even there at that fight! It was just Ladybug and me," I snapped. Carapace seemed to pause for a moment before it dawned on him what he said.

   "Forget that last part," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose, "My point is, do not take out your anger on someone who had nothing to do with it. We need a Ladybug. Paris needs a new hero."

   I didn't continue the argument anymore, seeing his point once again. There is no need to fight with someone who has nothing to do with or can change the situation. I am merely being a jerk once again. The new holder is only doing her duty, one she was chosen for. Did she have a say in whether she wanted to be a hero or not?

   Guilt bubbles within my stomach. Maybe...I should at least try to be a decent person. Now that I think about it, I have not been the nicest person to her.

   "Fine," I huffed, grabbing my baton, "I will talk with her after we defeat the Akuma. Will that put your mind at ease?"

   "With the way you have been treating her, I do not know if it does," he harshly said, "I am going up. You may join us when you are ready to act like a superhero."

   Carapace left me to stand here alone and joined the two girls on top of the building. I let out a breath through my nose. I extended my weapon, vaulting toward the building's top. Carapace and the girls are talking about something I could not hear. The holder of the turtle miraculous smiled with astonishment at whatever Ladybug is explaining to him. My curiosity got the better of me, deciding to move closer.

   "That is an excellent plan!" Carapace proclaimed, earning a "shush" from Rena Rouge to keep quiet.

   "What is the plan?" I asked, grabbing the attention of the other three. Carapace's smile immediately diminished while Rena threw a scowl in my direction. Ladybug seemed to be the only one who didn't dislike my guts at the moment.

   "I am glad you have joined us, Chat Noir. You are a vital aspect," Ladybug said, making me perk up in confusion and interest. I raised an eyebrow, "Me?"

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