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Ladybug's P.O.V

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I call out, tossing the ladybug-themed object into the air. The item dispersed into a swarm of magical, curing insects. The ladybugs fly all around, fixing the damages done by the Akuma Chat Noir and I just defeated. Luckily, the Akuma was easy enough for a two-person job and did not require the other rebels.

"Astounding work, Chat Noir!" I congratulated my partner, smiling brightly towards the said male.

"You as well," he replied, nodding in approval, "I must say, you are prevailing in becoming a hero. Your training is proving quite successful."

I blink in astonishment, not expecting a compliment from Chat Noir (especially with the stoic face he is holding). This might be the first time he genuinely spoke well of me without any malice in his tone.

"Thank you. I really do feel like I have improved greatly," I said, feeling levels higher than just "proud of myself." If Chat Noir is speaking this nicely of me, then I truly must be impressing him. I never thought I would be able to do such a thing.

"I...uh...need to leave. I do not want anyone to notice my disappearance," I awkwardly excused myself. As I swing away, my face flusters in embarrassment. That was a slightly humiliating and abrupt departure. Though I have never met a person who changes from being repulsed by me to friendly.

   Do not get me wrong, it is a nice change. I just never experienced or even thought it possible. It was always a two-faced situation with people. They either hate me or like me, never has anyone changed their preference of me before. It is a bit surprising.

   Besides all that, I really do need to hurry home before anyone notices my absence. Things have been a bit chaotic at home recently after the engagement party. I was lucky enough to sneak away with how many servants and guards were keeping a close eye on me.

   I swing in through the bathroom window.

   "Tikki spots off," I whispered, quiet enough so the guards outside the door do not hear me. The suit sheds of my body and my Kwami appears. I quickly catch her before she falls to the floor. Tikki looks worn down and tired. I guiltily frown.

   "Hold on, little one," I continue to whisper, setting Tikki down, "I think I have hidden some croissant bites somewhere in here."

   I begin to search all my hideaway places in the bathroom, trying to remember where I have hidden the sweets. I am only three minutes into my search when someone knocks on the door. I wince in fright, freezing in place and hoping whoever it is does not enter.

(I suppose I am super fortunate no one has bothered me the entire time I was in here. If someone called out to me when I was absent, this mansion would be turned upside down trying to find me and question my whereabouts).

   "Lady Dupain-Cheng, are you almost done with your long bubble bath?" the familiar voice of Ella questioned from the other side.

   "Uh..." I quickly think up an excuse on why I have been in here for nearly an hour, "...I have been out for some time as to not get wrinkly skin. I have—um...I have been...trying different hairstyles and makeup techniques! Yes, I have been doing those things this whole time to practice for the test mother is going to give me over self-improvement!"

   I nervously wait for whatever Ella is going to say. I do admit my lie is a partially good excuse but sounding like a believable lie was never a strong suit of mine. I scamper over to Tikki and gently place her in my palm in case I need to hide her somewhere. Ella is disturbingly silent for some time, raising my anxiety through the roof.

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