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Marinette's P.O.V

   "Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Wake up this instant!"

I shot up from the desk's surface, looking around for any immediate danger. Yet, the only danger is standing right in front of me and sharply scolding me down. I quickly fixed my posture and tried blinking away the tiredness in my eyes.

"Sorry, mother. I have had trouble sleeping lately since...that night," I told her half of the truth. The night mother was attacked and the break-in made me very paranoid. The intruder is still out there walking around freely and there is no trace or clue of who this mysterious person is.

It's like they have some sort of power or magic. It's very concerning to know our foe—whoever it is—is powerful enough to conceal their true identity like a phantom in the night.

Yet, that's only half the truth.

The other half is getting up at—what Chloe would quote—such a ridiculous time in the morning to train. On top of that, I return home only for my maid to enter and ready me for my packed-filled schedule.

Long story short, it's been a hectic week.

Mother's agitation seemed to dwindle a little before a sigh escaped her lips, "Wipe that...goop from your face, dear, then let us proceed."

I just know notice the feeling of drool before quickly wiping it off my face with a hanky (trying not to smudge my makeup or else mother will surely lose her head). Mother continues her boring lecture on different teas, what best snacks to serve it with, and more.

A knock on the door halted my mother's lesson and huffed in annoyance. I curiously looked over at the door, my prayers for an interruption answered.

"Enter," Mother allowed, the door opening and a butler stepping in with a worried look on his face, "What do you need? Can you not see we are in the middle of something, right now?"

"M'lady, I humbly apologize for the intrusion but it seems we have some surprise guests waiting at the door," he said. Mother and I's attention is sealed on the butler, not expecting any guests.

"Who?" Mother asked, panic laced within her voice.

"Lady Rossi and Lord Couffaine," he answered. Mother gasped, very unprepared for a visit. I growled, knowing Lila is planning to make a mockery of my mother (not that it wouldn't be nice to see my mother in a tizzy for once).

   "Quickly, set up a tea set out in the garden's gazebo and call upon Marinette's maid to make Marinette look more presentable! I shall distract them!" Mother ordered, rushing out of the room and hurried to the front door. The butler urged me out of my studies room and towards my bedroom.

  Soon, my maid and I are madly rushing around my bedroom—dresses are tossed, different types of makeup utensils roll off of the stand, jewelry in tangled piles, and shoes were thrown (nearly breaking some very expensive items). It is utter chaos.

Somehow, we managed to finish. I raced out of the room, feeling guilty for being unable to help the maid clean up the giant mess we made. Consequences will be placed on the maid if I do not hastily make an appearance in the garden. So, there is not much of a choice in helping the maid clean up if I do not want to get her fired.

I raced through the halls, high heels clicking against the floor. Though, it is quite difficult, even with years of experience, to run in heels. My klutziness and high heels have never mixed well in the past. The only way I can achieve in increasing my speed...

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