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Marinette's P.O.V

I walked through the dark corridors toward my parent's bedroom late in the night. Rain is pelting against the window's pane as if they are many pebbles being thrown at it. Every time a flash of lightning strikes, a rumble of thunder follows and increases my urgency in getting to my destination faster.

My fear-filled heart is hammering, hands clutching my old blanket I dragged around everywhere (until mother threw it away on my fifth birthday). My small feet quickly padding across the cold floor.

I never liked thunder when I was a young girl. It always scared me and I yearned for the comfort of my parent's presence.

I flinched as another clapping sound roared in the heavens, shaking the house a little. I whimpered, starting to run through the hallway until finally arriving in my parent's hallway. I felt relief wash over me for a moment when turning the corner.

Then, I paused.

Just a few feet away, the door to my parent's room sat. Yet, the strange part is there are no guards on duty and the door is open. A light within the room reached out from inside and exchanging of muffled whispers can be heard.

Hesitation fought against my curiosity, wondering if I should investigate or go back to my-

A loud rumble shook the house, making me jump and instantly answering my question. I tiptoed over to the door and peeked inside the room. Father is nowhere in sight. Yet, I see my mother and a very intimidating man, who looks...familiar.

"I am done doing your dirty work and am no longer in your service," mother stated, "I am very grateful for your kindness back in my desperate times but I have a family that I need to think about now. I cannot have them getting involved with my consequences. Is it not your job to hunt down magic users?"

"I would not have come here unless my situation is anything less than crucial. I have my hands tied with this specific wizard. I need your help and expertise for this one job. Then, I shall never bother you with another job again. I can promise you that," the man explained, genuinely.

Mother seemed to think over his words, face etched with unsureness. I can practically see the mental debate going through her mind. The man patiently waited for an answer, arms crossed behind his back. A minute has passed when mother finally raises her head with an answer resting on her lips.

"Okay," she agreed, "One last hunt."

Mother and the man shook hands, sealing off their agreement.

"Who are we hunting?" mother asked. The man pursed his lips for a moment before responding.

"We are hunting the most powerful wizard in this city and the current ruler of Paris."

Mother's eyes widened in surprise, barely able to spit out her reply, "You do not mean..."

The man nodded in confirmation, "We are hunting "The Wizard of Tricky," Giovanni Rosiello."




   My eyes shot open, met with the scene of my dark bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, recalling the dream that just occurred. No, it was not a dream but a memory. I may have been only four years old at the time but I do remember that fateful night. Yet, everything afterward is a blur.

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