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Ladybug's P.O.V

I feel awful for leaving Rena all by her lonesome. I wish I knew what her problem was and be there for her. Yet, I will understand if she does not want to talk about it right now. Though she may not want to discuss her issues with me since I am new to the team.

Whatever the case, it does not lessen my worry. I can tell Carapace is concerned as well, considering it shows on his face (and he continuously keeps looking over in her direction).

Chat Noir...is kind of hard to read. On the outside, he seems calm and collected like there is nothing to worry about. But there is something off with him for a split second when he thinks there is no one looking.

"What are these?" I questioned, pointing at a flock of white and brown birds. Some of the birds have a red thing dangling from their chins, looking like a larger version of a uvula. They look like very odd creatures but I do not get why they are fenced like the rest of the animals. Can these birds not fly and escape?

"Would you stop being so naïve?" Chat Noir huffed, "I am pretty sure even those money hog's children know what it is."

"Well, not all of them, evidently," I thought, glaring at the blonde. Being sheltered away in a mansion for most of my life has left me with little experience with the outside world. The only way to learn stuff is through books (rumors have never helped me learn anything except how to lie).

I thought Chat Noir and I were growing on each other but he still acts like I am the enemy. Even though unfortunately I have the same blood as those miscreants does not mean I am anything like them. Also, Hawkmoth is the true villain. The rich are just a bunch of jerks.

   "These are chickens," Carapace answered, placing a hand on my shoulder. I calm down, ignoring Chat Noir for the time being.

   "A chicken," I repeat, testing it out on my lips, "What peculiar birds."

   "Do you want to help me feed them?" Carapace asked. I smile and nod in agreement. The turtle hero hands me a bag of seeds then hops into the fence.

   "So, why do you guys do these kinds of things? Do you not have other important errands to do like tracking Hawkmoth?" I asked. Carapace shows me how to feed the chickens before explaining, "While tracking Hawkmoth is a top priority, it is also our job to play our parts in this community, including the little things."

   "That is...extremely nice of you guys," I say in awe, "Even though you have an important task to do, you still make time to help these people."

   "Indeed," Carapace agreed, "It is nice being a superhero but it is also nice just doing normal work."

"Yes, it really is," I said. I glance over to see Chat Noir sitting on the fence a bit a ways, facing away from the chickens. I do not know what he is watching. Surely, it is not the animals. Maybe, he is keeping an eye out on Rena Rouge? Although, that might be too generous on his part. I snicker at my joke. I know he has a soft spot for his teammates even if he hardly shows it.

"Hey, Ladybug," Carapace whispered to me, "Did you know that a sign of friendship is punching people in the shoulder."

I look at the turtle hero, intrigued with his fact, "Really?"

"Yes. It is to show you are somebody's buddy or a sign of friendship," he explained. I narrow my eyes at him, unsure if he is being serious or mischievous. I hum in thought, switching between Carapace and Chat Noir. Should I...test it out on Chat Noir?

"Are you playing a joke on me?" I asked, earning a shaking head. Still a bit weary, I decided to test out this theory. These heroes are here to teach me how to fit in (at least, Rena Rouge was). So, I need to fit the part. If this is a way to do so, then I shall practice on someone who will not expect it.

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