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Polymouse's P.O.V

   I arrived at the prison room, surprised there was no guard at the door. Yet, it did not mean there was not one inside the room.

   I crawled into the space between the door and floor enough to take note of the situation.

   There was a bulky SSS member, threatening two tied-up civilians with a sword. Gabriel Agreste was lying unconscious in his cell. Rena Rouge and Carapace were nowhere in sight, making me realize that the two tied up were the very missing heroes.

   "You will pay for this, you witch," the SSS member hissed, pushing the blade into Rena's jugular. A bit of blood seeped out. Rena winced at the pain but was fearless nonetheless. She glared at the enemy, not backing down.

   "How many times do I have to say it to get it through that thick skull of yours, meathead? We did not brainwash him! It was his own decision," Rena sharply stated. The SSS member growled in anger, getting fed up with the "lies."

   "Rena, it is probably not a good idea to antagonize the muscular man with a sword while we are tied up and powerless," Carapace replied, warningly.

   "If you do not break whatever spell you cast on him, I will peel off your skin and use it as a rug," the SSS member said, a crazed look in his eye.

   I waved to gain her attention to show her I was here. Rena Rouge glanced in my direction before eyeing the foe once more. If I can find where their miraculous were, then we can defeat this SSS member.

   Rena showed nothing less of defiance as she spoke, "As honored as I am that you would use my skin like an animal pelt, I would rather you untie us and give me back what is rightfully ours in that back pocket of yours."

That was my signal.

I raced over to the SSS member with my replicas of myself. I jumped onto the enemy's pant leg. I carefully climbed up to the pocket without alerting the man of my presence.

"I bet you do not even have a wife if you treat every lady like this," Rena continued to distract the SSS member.

The SSS member scoffed, "I would not define you remotely close to such a proper title. You are no lady. You are a witch—a monster. You may battle Akumas but you will not fool me into thinking that you have never done any wicked deeds."

Rena went completely silent.

As much as I wanted to know what was going through Rena's mind, I had to keep focused on my task. Rena and Carapace are depending on me to get their miraculous back. I kept climbing until finally reaching my destination.

The SSS member chuckled, knowing he won that argument, "That is what I thought."

"You are no saint," Carapace argued, "You call us evil because we use magic but magic does not make the monster. It is the man who makes himself one. The man who sheds innocent blood for no good reason."

   I pulled Carapace's bracelet out of the pocket. I tied my rope around it before lowering it to my replications below. The three other Polymouse's safely placed it on the ground and untied it from my rope.

   "One down, one more to go," I thought, bringing my rope back up for round two. With one look at two of my copies, we gave each other a nod and the two below carried the turtle miraculous over to Carapace.

   I returned to scavenging for the fox necklace.

Nino's P.O.V

   "Witchcraft and demonic powers are good reason enough," the SSS member stated, pointing his gun at Alya and me.

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