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Chat Noir's P.O.V

I did not have to travel far to find the Akuma for it was already here in the poor section. The monster spread destruction and mayhem in its wake. Citizens ran away screaming while some stayed.

The ones who stayed for some reason were either burning with hatred or sobbing their eyes dry of tears.

The angry ones kept destroying everything in their path (which explained the fire) or beating up people. The saddened ones kept to themselves, resided in a fetal position, or lay on the ground. Yet, there were a few that were targeted by the hatred-filled people.

Everything was madness!

I could only assume this was the work of the Akuma. Speaking of the creature, the dark purple being was nowhere to be seen. It would be tough to spot with it being dark out. The fire, while producing lots of light, did not help if the Akuma was small.

I gritted my teeth in frustration.

It could not be helped, but I fear that I and my team's emotions may be the cause of this problem.

My chest clenched in guilt for causing this mess on the part of Paris that is under our protection—my protection.

I am the rightful leader of the team until Ladybug is capable of taking the role. I am supposed to be protecting these people from harm and have only brought the danger here.

How had everything turned out like this so quickly? How had I not heard it sooner than just a few minutes ago?

"Please, stand down! I do not want any hurt you!"

My ears twitched at the familiar voice. I shot my attention in the direction of it. That is when I realized where I was at.

The market.

There was Marianne backed into a corner by one of the enraged citizens. He held a pitchfork in his tight grip and slowly stalked closer.

I did not have to think twice.

I leaped into action quite literally. I landed next to Marianne, startling her. She gasped and stumbled away.

The angered man had been triggered by my sudden appearance and ran at us. I grabbed my weapon and extended it. Out of instinct, I fell into battle-ready form and used my sword fighting skills to fend off the man.

He was not my foe, merely an innocent victim having fallen under a spell in which he had no control.

"My my, who spit in your cup of tea this morning," I bantered. That only seemed to make him madder as he wildly swung the pitchfork around.

   I blocked every one of his attacks before sweeping under his feet. He fell to the ground yet he surprisingly managed to stand on his feet faster than I expected.

   I hadn't prepared fast enough and was nearly impaled with a pitchfork through my head. I stumbled and fell onto the ground. There was no time to get onto my feet as the man wasted not a breath to come stab me.

   With the little luck I have, the man was stopped when a string wrapped around him and pulled up to the rooftop.

There stood Ladybug. I felt an odd coil within myself when seeing her and winced at the thought of Master Fu's final letter. The words it had said and unveiled. The truth finally dug up after all these years in exchange for the man who held them.

What bitter irony.

Yet, I am still confused and shaken to my very bones. I am having trouble processing what has been revealed about me and Ladybug. It made me wonder what else Master Fu kept hidden from us—from me—and had taken it to the grave.

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